HomeMy WebLinkAbout122213100130 Y.., AI. No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS -,- ""-~ SALE PRICE od, 5ell. (Port PUD I fPD L-' ,0( L - ( ') /" I) I I.. ~..5[' ~{d '. 7fT 07::;r:;,..,(7' "'.~1vjr " -:'C","'1T'r1r pt, 11:: 1 ~O, It ~ 0 T r #348(,0 "0 , > ~ ."f. "I e,j;' . Y.., I 0,..., NUMBER OF ACRES I VALUATIONS TImber UnImproved Improved TOTAL Oyster TImber Unlmpro....d Improved lmf.:ov.m.nh .. of Eo ( ulldlnQI) VA.LUE 7.:< ~ SCll 50 90-00 3od'S- d..{~ 7fJ ~9Yo ~"CJ 9F/O 7;// flf~Z '/?"'1;) LI A_ I,? .2 ~(') ~. I "'-///0 ' . ~~::;:::> , - - 7(; I " I -,-. ~. ., '.r,'\ - c.'s7?O ,- ~:>\. ~ . '" 17 \ I' r, F .,/;, (1 1'279/0 ;:..!., 9.: 'f) -. , H ,; "" () . ~, . " IV' I . ~:' - - ::? -' ~;) -,~ ' , ~! " ," '. , 71 0:- , ...:~ - ':/ ., - ~ ~ ~ 7 q --: 13 ': Y'-.:/ I 179?r", "ilr 7'7 {c ('0 ,-' . ""--' 1'1 ,$:? _-s" <: , ; r. 31 "?I,r; ,j I I (, -..- ,(, ,.., " 9"- g!;iJ. 3 l-,..- . 7.- -; }(') /"i /_ V 77/.r.-:~ .2:2.. /,e' ~,3 'Jr')" ' -, "7/'/('0 ,'-' '" -~ /. LOT BlK. I Z-- 2 z..-,J -,. '" , ~ J A , .' , SEC. TWN. leE. \ ilK",,, , o' ,.2? L '~r:act 13 of"Qo.v.LI" I .~." T}lat -r-,-rtivn of' the f()lJrJ1.'rinF au?('~:,i'br:d 0rr:f'prt',r l"'<linO' Wl\T of St"tf'> Fiw8V Ko 111.-"9- _ .vJ., ,. o. ',,/>'1 ... 'II,)F' Refinninf" 'r.q'""l r:ha-Ln8 S qf'-=: i!~le r~ rCrrlp.r r:f Ic~ '; ~),~'r~c 2'1tJ.58 chains; tY"-T}Qe '" 1~.1/S ~'~Cl'nc' th ,"" 1/'0 ~ '~c']_' t' ,. 1eo ~ r '7 '7 . ..oeJ',T __,;;;0 _~..,.. 'c.p._r.c.~. 4 "'.'J ___11,rQ,j npncp., . r. '.j. 0 c1,...,..,r.'. """""rlCe ':" '7 q') ,-.1'0.1"''''-'. 1,?ft'1 " - tl$',"J:l.....' . ".............,, c" .,. - .' -- ...... ...', tl':ence ~T 1.__ ('Lnin~; tYp:r:Cf' ::; o.~: ('l-r..;Y':' t,., ~.p.; PYC""~lt t~p. S R' thprerf as cenveyerl flY r1f'e~ :rorordp(~ unJlf"T' j\ljrli.t. rs F-tle ~~(.. ~5,1~t:j1 '":~-' p:,'r.P:-t ~~~p .T 1:)0' I,:'"' trat ":':'~TI-, of I,nt ., 8~ cc.;:vr:rerq t" Iu1rp '!io'r'le~: 'h~r rlpf'~ rf'coTc1f'fl in Vel OJ ,P r~ec::~'3, j,'.:-e <~( l:rj.rr 7tl\' 11f ~Ti',':a.",r 1 /;_j" 'SYCcrt t:r.~ ;';- 121; I. ,. Also That por of the following desc property lying Wly of St Hiway H14-b; the S 15' of the following: Beginning 7.92 chains S of the NE cor of Lot 3, of Sec 21-22-1W, W.M.; th S 6.58 chns; th W 18.15 chns; th N 3t* E 55 links; th N 10* E 4.79 chns; th E 7.92 chns; th N 1.28 chns; th E 9.37 chns to the place of beginning; EXCEPT the S 8' thereof as conveyed by deed recorded under AF #254551 and EXCEPT the N 100' of that part of Lot 3 of sd Sec 21, as conveyed to Luke Rowley by deed dated Jan 7, 1893 and recorded in Vol 5 of Deeds. Pg 426, lying Wly of Secondary St Hiway No. 14-B .. ---e-'