HomeMy WebLinkAbout122213100020 Year File No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS ::41'. SALE PRICE' Rd. Soh. ~ PUOFPO [_1_' 1~q2;l,), -----52- J. S. Cross 1 ...s..g_3-_..k..I_! -<1'- it. ~JtI,.)h (J.d. "fbO..Ab / ~5' _.3 IsiL! ~r ,. <'<"''''Y- , /":??~-cJ. 2iL /7_ 1-., /.? ;(J~~ ,(J bf h"- , 'bz~ 7 t1-7:'J 1 ;.Q1AI..L'4'~:iL /' i j,) , f .._ I I,,: 1-'--'-- I I ' ' , ' -'--'-'-:- i I : ' , , . ., I " ,- ----1-:-1-:-1 1 i I I ", , ----1---1 1 I ' , , I ! I I -1-1-'-1-1-' I 1 ' I 1-1-:-:-\ i --,-;-1 I - i ' i -'--I-II I, I, -1----1-' 1 I I I 1 . _ _ _ _ _.::_____:.__ _ __ _~' _: _ _ _ _ n _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _n ___ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ n _ _ _ __ _ n_ _ _ _ .'_ _ __.:=-. _ _ __ . NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS Year OYlter T!mber Unimproved Improved TOTAL Oy~ter Timber UnImproved Improved !,mprovements B.ofE. (BuIldIngs) VALUE .sd. .7J - . 7 t;' /,FJ 1./Y'0 I ?J 0 , .s1- 7.5 -- ,S-/O & Co D j F 7~ /..s-V -4 .75'"" . 7S- /:50 1.5/0 0{,0 .h. . 7.EJ' ,7S" I .~al a- /~~ /$/t'") .ki. I ,7~- ,7.!o- I I ,-~ I )000 " 70 to , /706 -" ,,-: :5% /,;<5".3 1 d'J"'tJ I~/~O .a!. ~~.?'dt:'1 ,f',f'iJ IS,Jcft:' Zl. ...., .,J:, ~ tJtJO /'l'{.tJ 77 hi? 2L , !;775~ /'l'6tJ '7.5/0 ~ 7.7.5(1 .:</.:2.'; 7,81'-7:5 21- ~ ~<1; / ,$"9d 9';:;~ J9?sD 7. ~: ,.::;- /::"', ?:T:1 G~) ~ .z.&.. /:->/ ~ /2;:<=.,--'cc, /5/0 ,5i /5/0 n - - , 1~ ~, P,'f< /p, 2J./.. r, r'" 7, Y(l 3'-';.<"n -,.1 t I . 11,C;20 /0, .', . , ~ .~ LOT SEC. BLK. I I RGE. (.. <., J '-' ., ,."-" ~, ;.hitrrt~ ~ i~_ TWN. -" - . - . ~, .--~.. ,.. - ,.., _ .,- ....,. '''F- ~__ '- ~_~.o!lo.~,.~, , '~''''.~' - _!!'J..:._~"'" ,. '. Beg. at a pt. on N. boundary In. of fol. desc. tr. of lnd. Beg. 7.92 chains S. of N.E. cor. of Lt. 3---21-22-1 W. ~i. thn S. 6.58 chains; thn. W. 18.15 chains; thn. N. 3ko E. 55 links; thn. N. 100 E. 4.79 chains; I thn. E. 7.92 chains; thn. N. 1.28 chains; , thn. E. 9.37 chains to place of beginning; being the pt. where the W. boundary of the present Colrd intersects the N. boundary line of the above desc. tr. and rung. thn. S. 100' thn W. to the MIL of N. Bay thn. Nly alon~ MIL to a pt. W. of pt. of ~eg; thn Eiy to pt. of beg. It being the intention of the deed to convey a piece of ind. 100' wide, lyg. W. of the ColRd in the NW cor. of the above desc. Tr. and containing approx. 3/4 of one acre. Note: formerly known as Tr. 6 A of lot 3 -." ..~ _._~- ~-~ ~ . ~ NUMBER OF ACRES Oyder Timber I Unimproved -'') --'-f---' li g;; f---- ~ f-" Imprond 75" I TOTAL I , 7'; ,7~ VALUATIONS I . Oyller Timber ImproVld lmpro....muts 1 8. of E. {Iluildjn9~1 VALUE " ~ - I :_~_-.;8 7 - _2.!.1/" I( c> ~I ~ Q" 73S00['t'970 YJ'I7tJ I Unimproved - t', ,- t" ( r ( , L.. .0 I I - 1 I I , ,-~- -------=J:__11,==l : ~-' I I L, , - -------------' -+---~---' -- --.-------,- -,---- -f-- -f--- -, -- ----- - --fo-I I ..