HomeMy WebLinkAbout122212490050 DISTRICTS - t/ Y..r fll. No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO - SALE PRICE 155911 156115-1187~0-167627-1n7n ?l; Rd. Ie,. Port PUO FPO 57 168030 2 G. E. Skewis et ux .L ,0< /f " Ii L C I:L 09 ;{3'1:?3/ ?L lOrD , - - - - - - - ,- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - , --...- _...""'.==="'""---~-==. =--...==~~ ~.-~--..= ~--=------------_._---_.~..._-~-_.~~-~~~-=~=-= ""'-_... .. NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS You O)'du Tlmb.r Unlmprov.c! hnprov.d TOTAL O)'lhr Tlmb.r Unlmprov.c! Improv.c! Improvements B. of E. (Bulldlngl) VALUE --5.5. .39 .39 300 300 ...2l .1.....22 T .c. .39 .39 30 300 330 2.:1- .2 ,5ih< "~- ,:3'1 .:3"/ .q,) :300> 4.fo -Y/o . .La .:/, !J:>ri h ,31 ,39 fr /;2t:>CJ vr,.fo / /, f".c) li o<Er,-. .<; r ,3'1 y/ 1';?'Crl) I/~C; -<3~ ~ ?~ ~ /~t3 /~LJt1 :<. ~{M t.7 /5'dtJ //40 ~t:,t/o ~ ~~8'PA~ L.' ,3'1 ,::L /CJ ~tJ~ //~ .5~ijtJ :.... ft ,~ ;),_/7 ..<; '?o- q tltJ a ~7o (1.::/70 , . 1L /_"/1 /1/1 d1':)~.-1 /4;?:t'/; 2L / ..;l " tM 39'{'J':) /~.MJ !l!/- ;, 0 % ::iI i/a co ?:?.:J 0 8/9.:20 -1 ~ /./"1.- ..-6 7. ~ ~ E . -; ,:I ',: S, -, ,- , / ., d" -~ /<-~~ l/e;. T1 C G ~... i.~ '. t- ;:- I, " ,l-{r,7Gc LOT BLK. ~ ? "L I I 0 lEG. TWN. RGE. :3 ()/O 0 / J]~..t.;t /::ill 9' O~D!S-11] ') 91; (', 'ct , .,t ~~, ,?, 0 ",. .,...- ". , ""_' .., f / / '~" 1 .Tra('t; Tract lying W of Hy 14B as follows: Beg at NW corner of Lot 2; th following along meander line S 4004'30" W 265.24' to I.P.; th continue S 4004'30" W 27.34'; th S 3001'50" W 22.76'; th N 89053'06" E 166.59', more or less, to Wly RjW line of Hy 14B; th Nly along R/W line, 50.71'; th S 89053'06" II 171.81' to loP. Also: Tract lying W of Hy 14B as follows: Beg at NW corner of Lot 2; th following along meander line S 4004'30" W 292.58'; th S 3001'50" W 22.76' to I.P.; th continue S 3001'50" W 100.15 th N 89053'06" E 153.52', more or less, to W1y R/W of Hy; th Nly along W1y R/W 101.71'; th S 89053'06" W 166.59' to loP. Tax 1113, App 10643 - Tidelands lying in front of above descriptions which is a portion of tidelands of 2nd class in front of that portion of Lot 2, lying S of' the N 263.95' of Lot 2. Note: ~ormerly known as Tr. 1 A-2 of lot 2 .& Tr. I A-I OF lot 2 P-tYu 06 SsUe Lt Pld ...;./ L/:-. J .~,. --- -- -."-~ ._- -, *Ex. Tax 1113A - H ,':- / ",,---j:. ~ .-'1, , . ~ ~ . v.+-o. NUMBER OF ACRES - I I i r I Yur Oyster Timber UnImproved Improved TOTAL I I , ~ I.YoA , I ....d.,s~j ---,- .37 " er- 82: v/,......:,.,'.Ju' ./9 I,'" J , ,~ . <:1 '. -, 1 ,I.- -- --,----- - -, '", - ---- --- _._.~ -. -- e-------- --- -- - ~~---- _._-- ----~ --- ,,- --~- -- -.--- ------ -- - '--- ---- ------ ,,-- I- - --- - --- --- .n_ --- ---- I-- --I I -I-/-,i,-i-r . Oyltw Timber Unimproved Impr:>ved Ilmpr~)'f'~mtnh I B. of E. (BlIlldinQil VALue 1- 11.:1 -<5"c)i.;:: 953~ 11'117%0 I I 40,i" If) I 1 f/375.1 ~ I. "'?ol IltJ1oS- 1 (1("._ . ,. I '/1810 , i - I ),--- i~==l I I I '---'----1 I I i I ' VALUATIONS I i=f=~ ,___I , I I I I : 1 I .J ,n I I I i T--------- zq:5:?>o '/{.'1ZCJ 1 L I 1 I I i- I