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V..r File N,?r. "l NAME of OWNER cA'1IC-6.9 -.Yr- &" - & p ~ 139468 Frank Dalton et ux 52 143296 Frank W. Stephens et ux ~110937 James D. Jones et ux ~ &r;'~;; ~L' B'/VLS // _h~) ~.s r, ( " r"" ,-,_'. r- / ,--r; rl :, (, w~ r, r, I . ~ < rI r R tLZ"--;')'~Z- .k <1.51--- .'..-vJJ, r.. /J A~..L ----e--~<,.,~~~--'~ NUMBER OF ACRES Y..r Oyster Tlmbu Unlmprovad Improvtd ~ --.21J Ii? lu2 U "- /..,1 ~ v.. 1L 2L ;lL .z2. a 7.ff .24 .24 .c. 1.75 .24- , ;;,tj ,;;. .,J. LOT SEC. I I ?--Z-- .J1. r".. TOTAL ~ .24 .24 .24- . ;), 'f , ;)y BLK. TWN. ROE. c::.. '/ J r/t'"1 "11 ~.::-' 1 tp., ..... ""10 _ .p ,r CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS ~. L/ - Rd. Soh. Port PUD fFPO- SALElRICE 1 1,<; L.2_L C 1 !!c03 Li.L.2...L C f/ ___-.Jaooo fi " .. , (/ -' c !) !.C-,r) .,) ./ --- II=;?S/'j:5' -,/qg :;t>D lIJL) -..... -.- ---- -+, ----.--~ Oyttar VALUATIONS I U,lm"",d Im,,,,,d 20 Improvements (Building.) B.otE:. VALUE Timber 200 250 270 770 970 200 890 1110 f{(!) r) ;:(9/) /6 '7(') &'00 )07;;--' /17_.1;' //)/)/') /..E'4CJ /tJl'JeJ J:r'7D ':;~7D , ,3,1)<7<7 /,~j?~ '7"5':70 , ~ /J11() ;Z/.:? 0 9/$ tJ ~?.5<7 :3/.$" I/?tfo --:C'> ~ ~ R?'5a ';:<9.:'1'5" //C.~~ -e-- -b- -d- .~~- O/er 20 --e-- ~~ ~o:% #:7 5iJ; .er- ~. ...,,0-' - J I~ J :~~J/.' V 0 /~tJ I . T ..~, q H/f";:B75//,; f'~-' ...., ',-'''l. c.. .,-- ..."",-. .."'~ y Beg at NW corner of Lot 2; th following along meander line S 4004'30" W 292.58'; th S 3001'50" W 367.71'; th S 31054'30" W 83.24' to I.P.; th N 89053'06" E 87.62', more or less, to Wly R/W line of Hy; th following along W R/W line S 24019'30" W 84.21'; th Sly, following along R/Won curve to the right, having a radius of 1889.86', 25.73'; th leaving R/W line and running S 89053'06" W 104.51', more or less, to meander line; th following along meander line N '3P54'30" E 117.95', more or less, to 1.f Also tidelands in front of above desc. Note: iormerly known as, Tr. 2 A of lot 2. . ,----------p,--~ . ...- -=:j ~,t" L . III-II r-r-r-/ . NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS Timber ! Unimproved ,- I I Improved TOTAL ~ Timber Unimproved Improved lmproyem'nh B. 01 E. (Build;ng~) VALUE .'') </ -.1./ \- :J //:;~.:' _~ I:"," :'/ / 7/.. , a ;<-) , --,---- XL 5/ ,~'1 '- <':; r~ lL &L( .Y:./ . b2-,/::",,;-;,.11 /0 t/fO G [--- ;.... , ," 'i'l' :;.t'- ""I<X"'-'-.J _3~(?fn 0 ..--: 'jf~.3S- ..('1 In (/ , c, ,." f----- - --() T' ---,<>--- --~------- -- ? f- f" (, n :::)') ", " " Iq ?:.> '3.s \~- '~ -- "!.J;;',:US l~i'dd-2> ~ 0 G ,----' L--, I L ! f---- ~ , .._------~- -~" ~_. - " ....,.--/ i:s ~"'--_._,----,-----_._-- --- --- b _1-_ --" -------- - , I . ~ \ . LI I I . . NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS Y..r Oyst.,. Tlmbtir Unimproved Imptond TOTAL Oyder limb., UnImproved Impro...ed Impl'o....m.nh I. of E. (lulldln~11 VALUE 14- :1lL/ _.2 i,L /0"-'% 0 ~-70 ::1.;3370 -111 -b- .-Q- -t;>-- 7~ 1/1"$00"') 6J?1" 0 ~S37o 'let' -- -6- -.9-. ~I " /. -,':,;'./' .,. I ~. 76 ~ -" - ,/ b.L( '), I" -'J -',( , =;Lf":';c 7-' ---(~.- -.~-.-- . " /,1 - , - L (; , - ~ ,is (', ,. ., . 1::1.1,:, , II " , " '0' 7tj , ~' .-,.- .,...' ',. ., , / 7,"c. It-, :? 0' , , '. ., , /" 0 () ?! t> .r._- 1,,/ C r l.?/; ':::,7.0 / (I j..{'-!I_) 3J./9/r.O 1'1 - Eo- ~ - , --- - - - -