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Beginning at the point of intersection of the south boundary of the North
550 feet of Gov. Lot 4 with the easterly margin of the Allyn-Shelton high-
way; thence easterly along said south boundary line 358.3 feet more or less
to the SE corner of said north 550 feet of Gov. Lot 4; thence in a more or
South Westerly direction to the SE corner of the North 650 feet of Gov. Lot
4; thence in a general northwesterly direction to the point of beginning;
except the following described portion; Beginning at a point designated
by an iron pipe driven in the Beach on the south boundary of the north 550
feet of Gov. Lot 4 and 300 feet, more or less, east of the margin of the
Allyn-Shelton highway; thence east along said south boundary to the south
east corner of the north 550 feet of Gov. Lot 4; thence in a general south-
westerly direction 25 fe9t, more or less to a second iron pil,a <J.l'iven in
the creek bed on the easterly margin of Gov. Lot 4; thence north and west
to the point of beginning; the above described portions lying within the
SE quarter of the SW quarter of Sec. 20, TWp 22 North, Range 1 West, W. M.
Tract 5 of S~ SW & Lot 4
That por. of the S 150' of ~ 550' of Lot 4 and the S 150' of the
N 550' of SE SW which lies E of the Allyn-Shelton road particularly des.
as follows: Com. at the SW corner of N 550'; thence NEly along the E margin 0
of the Hy, 137', more or less, to a ~arker placed on th~ mar~in o~ Hy be~ng
an iron post driven therein; thence 1n a more or less S~ly d1rect10n a G1St.
of 213.5', more or less, to the S mar~in of said ~ 550', being a poi~t on the
Beach and desi~nated by another iron pipe; thence W along the S marg1n of
said N 550' of lot 4, to place of beginning.
Note: ~ormerly known as Tr. 5-6 of lot 4 & 9E 9W.
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1952 1954
Tract 5 of - .31 acres Land r30 Land $ 30
Bldg 350 Bldg 900
Tract 6 of - .40 acres 150