HomeMy WebLinkAbout122204300040 18 .!..L 5 _~_ o A-L.2-.LiL Y..r File No. 10922 52 134367 ---6L 'f :16.5 6A. 'H~ " '. '? '2OAn::.~ 6 Ronald Shepherd et ux CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS ;2/;;- Rd. Soh. Pori PUD I FPD ~ 7r /6"0$0 .5S'vdP " ;; - p",~~~'" ;{/ ,F- cft!ot,f-3cJ -#.3.23,5'/ , '5tnt\ 7f '?:::J/;:?.5 '{-51!u(, ------1 -- --.--------------- --- - ----- -- - -- ------:- -,--,. ---.-------- -----------------~---.-- ~~ NUMBER OF ACRES I VALUATIONS Vear Oyat.r Timber UnImproved Improved TOTAL Oytlo' Timber I Uo'mp,...d IrRproved Improvementr B.of E. (Buildings) VALUE R 1.64 1.64 550 1000 1550 21L 1.64 1.64 sso 3270 3820 27 1.64 1.64 580 3270 3850 Z /,Ioij I. (p t/ J, fo !3;J..7o 3g 5"0 /. (P <i- f. fe, (/. /,,~o ~7o Llf~o k !.I,,<f /.b 'I /690 39S'b' :>b'/S ~ ~ ;;<//5" /f9f1~ 7060 12 -/() i:l .:)/Ih s;,t.~ :7 /7S" ~ $:;-.Y: L:bhO R.6"?.6' ~ ,k ~ 7/75,-, /b/::Jo /7/7CJ 22. pI/so /$60() .:::/'7'700 2:1.. "'30~O IQ ~ut" /~l (i/") I/,?P ;;<5&'90 !Ii j' r/ot~ ;;1fi'26t" :i. S7?So L /, &.4 I c,'f 3S,? , I-'"J , C:;', J I ,- 7" .:!:r .....J _ .'..,. ;~.''-. I I, ..'.~/r:-~ LDT BlK. I I ? ~ ;> .) (,/ "3 :}rj <:::.- :1 C) / -' .- ""c. TWN. ROE. l/fii~'.;? o1'J()IOiO b'lt'l , ?(> ?? 1 Tract lj o-L G()vt_L()f! " "'%' SIJ)'- __ _ ';?-'''' .. , - ,",,-,' 1\, S 100' of N 400' of Lot 4 E of Hy. Also: S 150' of N 550' of Lot 4 E of Hy except following: That por of S 150' of N 550' of Lot 4 & SE SW which lies E of Allyn-Shelton road as follows: Beg at SW corner of N 550'; th NEly along E margin of Hy, 137', more or less, to a marker placed on margin of Hy., being an iron post driven therein; th, in a SEly direction, 213.5', more or less, to the S margin of N 550', being a point on Beach and designated by another iron pipe; th W along S margin of N 550' of Lot 4 to I.P. Also: A triangular tract of land as follows: Beg at a point marked by an iron post on Ely side of Hy. 14A and the intersection therewith of E and W line 300' S of N line of Lot 4; th along said line 70' E; th NWly to a point on Hy R/W, 45' N & E of the I.P.; th SWly to I.P., con 1575 sq. ft. Also: Beg at a point designated by an iron pipe driven in beach on S boundary of N 550' of Lot 4 and 300', more or less, E of margin of Allyn-Shelton Hy; th E along S boundary to SE corner of N 550' of Lot 4; th in a general SWly direction 25', more or less, to a second iron pipe driven in creek bed on the Ely margin of Lot 4; th Nand W to the point of be~ tt LL.... .....:......._ J___ r--L':_u- IJ':..o ..':LLlu l..L... BE ~r.:. Note: Formerly known as following; Tr. 7 of lot ~. S 150' of N. prt. Tr. 5, Tr. 8 of ~. 250' ~.(.-1(! ! !' ~.u, :3/1 Z 2.- d S. 100' of N 400' E. of R!W. 550' of lot ~ E. of R/W Ex. of N 300' of lot ~ E. of R/W. ~~-~. ~"-', - ~ -, [ -. FFrB=1=F1 . ~ r.:1 1- NUMBER OF ACRES 1 I VALUATIONS -, I I I I I Unimproved I I d I Improvements I B. of E. Yellr OyJt.r limber Unimproved Improved TOTAL Order Timber mpr~v. (B 'ld' ) VALUE III ,"OS Ll --.-- ---. /.t..~( (.GA 353101:=:(770 to 7..330 !P 9.5' /..':, ~ ..]. -. / :: ? ,5 ^ I - t --- - --- ----- - -'-- -- I - -- -----. r-- -- -- --- 1.-- , 1==1 - ._-_.~ -- --- -~:--I. - - -~-- ------ - - -- ----- -_.--- -! -----1 I 1-- ! , i I -