HomeMy WebLinkAbout122203490370 -;:~-r-file Nl) -r----.-.----~AME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS Rd. Set.. I P?rt PUD I fPD j 03 -A 3 -I 5 ---"--1 .;J/~ I I L I H' SA.lE PRIce ...9.2...f.1.7007 .'1~rvin W. Moraan et ux /-" 314136 L21.l-.- -3D!ll3.Q. __ I 0/7~ ...?J.?~2~__~ 2;;.0. '-k07:JC Y'"f.;37/1()71~ _?LJe..JJ; .d ell ------" ~ JQe F. Robert r:i )., Rie.Q1 t E. Bake e , 71 ^ ux (M rl L ,f 11. j/ JJ ?tJl)i) - ----L- . NUMBER OF ACRES I I VALUATIONS . Year I Order Timber I UnImproved Improved TOTAL I Order Timber Unimproved ImprQ...ed Impro....m.nts B. of E. - (8ulldin91) VALUE 11 Sf" Lr);I , )" 1\ 2.,::' \ =" -=--.7-- I ,::-, 7~ ~ I/D~ \,0 "3 .Q; a") - .::.J . - 1L r I, -, - " ..- , 1'\ f J_" _. g; / ,^': /.0:5 ?I//r -;; 'f I~ ~, -I- . f---- - ,---- --~-- - --- - -.- ------ ---- - --- ------- - - ! I i LOT BLK. I I z'v z..--L 30 'VO'7 <. 0 / I - . -- -, _h -'"e )_~ _~_ 22, , , l Tr. 37 of SI/2,SW , . . --. II fOj 7 O. \{ 1.;2.7 :U? .17<1-- . '..< ee:"\ ", ..) / r:A _ ..... '-'- - -- .--.-- --" -. - ~ - -------..^~.....~,.....~_._-~......-. SEC. TWN. RGE. !~ .0-' (Tr. 3 of SP #517) A ptn. of the SE SW 20-22-1 daf: Beginning at the S quarter corner of said Sec. 20; thence running S 89038'06" W 1320'; thence runn i ng S 89038' 06" W 1320'; thence N 000 I '05" W 667. 18'; thence N 89029' 13" E 350'; thence S 0001 '05" E 174.32' to the pob; thence N 650I5'2~' E 592.62'; thence N 27046'29" W 75.65'; thence S 74022'34" W 522.31'; thence S 0001 '05" E 174.32' to the pob. EX the fol lowing: Beginning at the S quarter corner of said Sec. 20; thence running S 89038'06" W, 1320'; thence N 0001 '05" W 667.18'; thence N 89029' 13" E 350'; thence S 00 01 '05" E 174.32'; thence N 65015'20" E 592.62' to the pob; thence N 27046'29" W 75.65'; thence S 74022'34' W 238.73'; thence S 27046'29" E 113.54'; thence N 65015'20" E 233.71' to the pob. ..,~:,.-. . " NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS SALE PRICE! Year Fill No. Rd. Soh. Port PUD FPD - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - .---'4IIb--------------~----------------------------------------~------~--------------~-~---- - , NUMBER OF ACRES V ALUA nONS Year Oyster Timber Unimproved Improved TOTAL Oyder Timber Unimproved Improved Improvements B.ofE. (Bulldlngs) VALUE J2 , ;J .i.- I, LDT BlK. r-- - . , 1 SEC. TWN. RGE. [i ~---- \', " ,; '. .---.:;,.... 1", Tr. ,J., (As~~s_s~d i~ Sll(' 'It'l, .-' ~.~'''- --"iF.- '-, - "'"'--- ~'