HomeMy WebLinkAbout122203400310 Ye"r File No NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS dlJ.:J SALE PRICE Rd. Sc;h. Port IPUD 1...!f!2...J I , I I 6S 0"r,..." ,.., 'Ji llinlT1 '"lllac1-: :i.A.Kr.in:l.t 1 :0; ..'i. 3 5 L n L..,'''\ U~"(' "~ ~ ~ u ___ '- ...1L .'~11i'30:!l L""" ~2:J:JJ r;;; :7./ /R.t; ;(,' 1 .-I ;;;. Y..- /--1 ,bl- .u. " , ~ ,- 'l!H ?tJ!./.:9/i /7~~' d':b ~J rn(~ , - 70 '/2 ~ ~3S TOTAL r-\ ~3~F ~ .~-~. --.-. VALUATIONS . NUMBER OF ACRES Ye"r I Oyster Timber Unimproved Improved Oyster TImber Unimproved I Improved lmpfovem,nh (Building,) B. of E. VALUE o/t' 0 " qOO ,5'76 /75<J /tlz,% J~ 35"c.:.) j.'- 7'J 7'1 c(;;J. -....-;: 3'::; ('0 '1 <] ( =-:~~c r .:;!.- 3-'> c {,:' ~. . ~ -)""1 LOT SEC. BLK. ! TWN. / z.- z.. UJ 30 O~/ 00 I. -~ . ,.-- / () V~_p-.J tj-,O 0 S._-- ~').. 7'.5 -~ - ""'-- ---- 'GE. 2,0 __ 2L, L_ Tract 31 of S~SW - - --. -.... .-..------ ~ --~ ,....,. Ilceinr..ir.g R.t the 3 ~ corner of ~3e(::tioYl <\J; tbence alone tha 3 lil~8 of srei.1 sectiun 20, S ,"90}9'01il" W 1320'; tJoc'lce '. COOl'e5" ~'; 3)9.22' to~, R/,7 of S~(J,;....t ]cad; t',enc~ nlor.g sa.id p../Y::; R2004'20" :.s 253.23'; the::ce IJDVir..g scid R/:: L 67014' ~~ 19"r.2Hl :"", l.1cint on tl-.e Sly :1./,'; lire of 3tc'"nrt Ro:n; t}-ence on ~ curv:J to tl1e laft tl1c center of whiel:. bc'l!'~; 8 2201.6' ~ ?S6.'50' U1i. arc diEtF!.ncr~ of 11.55' to I.P. tLence con~il1uinz ~.~_or[S s~id curve to the left, t:-~e cLmter of .,'i'~icl'" ::0'01' beart: 8 2:028' S811 :s 256.50' u.'l =c <iistat',cc of 7l.C?'; t',-encc lenvilC(l "aid R/:: S 0032'19" S 1JO', plufI cr m:ir.us, to t::e -1~}:r::~3 0-:' SrerwooJ C:.....ee~q J;:hence iTEly ~l.lonc Lcid thread to f'. :~oir~~ ':I;1iC~' beRr3 S C032'19f1 E fraTJ I.F.; t>.2r~c~ :- 003211S" '.1 '150', plus or L'.iau8, "to I.P. . .c, "..;.,,_