HomeMy WebLinkAbout122203400130 Vear File No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS ,.:1/;.: I SALE PRICE Rd. Sell., Port PUDA .. 109870 Charles Baird. Jr. ~1 n' .J-';~"Y\ I 70 120210 ( - - ' 1 40 A 3 5 L H .-- f-- - - - - - I I I I I I ,..._ r. . .... ,..... - .. . . ~ _._. .......... t_ 0" "'.-.... ". .,..... . .. ,. ,...,. .~. ..........~ ~v~~...._._ _ ~r.,... ~ NUMBER OF ACRES I VALUATIONS Vear Oyder Timber I Unlmproyed Improyed TOTAL Oyster Timber Unimproved I Improyed I IrnPf'OVemllnt5 I B. of E. (Buildings) I VALUE .- ;t,9 11;/ 1"7~ .9":1 0 lo9b /6/0 ~ L" :"'" /~ .:?/ ~~ SZ$o ~;z /5""~ ";;'7~ <<2~ , "'J4 /M% ~~o~ S-Sd?O ,~6~d:J '/. ." ' I [) /, '. /;;,.- 79 'Ii 'iL/ '0' 11":':, .' n r(\ '1' , f ~ "" , 13' .' -'. .J &'2 .7'/ ,71 (" 7S'S- ~ It, ?~:..1 33 6 </~ LOT SEC. BLK. I TWN. ',n'l _~:22_ I -z..-v RGo. 1 ~ LO . " v~..i I t.f-3 Of If Tract 13 of Govt Lot 4~ /,< ~ '/:' j 'Deed 109868: Beginning at t~e point of intersection pf along the W line of Govt Lot 4 with the Wly H;71 line of run VI, along the F line of s~id S; R; of Govt Lot 4 and S 145'; thence ~ 160', more or less, to Wly R/W line of Nly, along said H/w line to I.P. ~~~d 120210~ c~mmencing at the point of intersection to the N line of s1 N; ~s measured along the 71 line of Lot ~, with the R/W lin~ of the Shelton-Allyn I;ighway; thence run VI along the:: line of S,~, I,~ of Lot 4 and Sp I,~ S~ S7I, 225' toLP.; ti:ence ';: along the N line of S~ Hi, s,,; SW, 100'; thence S;.; in a straight line to ~ point due S 145' from LP.; thence due 11 145' to I.P. ... ~. ...,' ~-,. " ,/~- -/ - . .../' Beginning at the point of~intersection of the 11 line of S'ii 1:1 measured along the W line of Lot 4 with the '11 R/N line of Si.elton-Allyn Highway; thence run ',I along 1\ line of S,~ ;:1 S3 SW 225'; thence due S 145' to LP.; tI,ence due S 20'; thence E 160', more or less, to'll HI R/N line of Highway; thence 11 ~long said'll line of highv~y 20', more or less; thence W 160', more or less, to LP. -.-'" \ , the N line of S: Iii', measured S~elton-Allyn Highway; thence s1 I:; S~ SW, 225'; thence due said Shelton-Allyn Highway; thence --- -~:=-... ----- .-,.....,...~ ,....,. ", ",'.' ~._........,.-.