HomeMy WebLinkAbout122202200030 -;::;- File No -T----~-.. -'--- 4/78 34_2.~~_!~nderson & Sons. I nc. II?). dMJ-"-I-.c.~ J(~P. NAME of OWNER ______ __n__ . ----- -- NUMBER OF ACRES Yur TImber I Unimproved Improved '2.0 ~ /;t~~ J ) ) '.~ Orster 11 illf' ' t I!' 7t'i I CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS :7./5 SALE PRICE Rd, 5ch.IP!)rt PUD I fPD I I U?iX) 1 I 18 A 315 L HI ----, ..-.- I cf!,3 1/ ? l.2:. L 1-1 - --- VALUATIONS TOTAL Improvem.nh {BllildlnQ1} Oyd... Timber Unimproved Improved 1'L CO ~.:L ~. - 01;.[ 1, 'Id f'1 ., , ~? USB 'l I. f.: - OlGlrc /,/', ~ //11 (() --I ,. .' .'5...., ---- LOT SEC. BlK. / TWN. / ;?,? :2.0 asE. 20 22 Tract 3 of NW --- ---- e-. 1--' I I 1. z.. . 1\ (" C\ U '1.Q----I-- ~c'k vb: ;1.'.;l: D '.?-~;LO 0 'O_'~~~~L TURf: ~- B. of E. VALUE /'1'7':; cL '77~ Iftll,1 I' 32]..'l "I A strip of land 145' wide and 800' long (containing approximately 2.66 acres) in the NW NW of 20-22-IW.W.M., daf: Commencing at the NW corner of Section 20-22-IW.W.M.; th S alg the Section line 774.8' + - to a point 55', measured at right angles, from the center line of the City of Tacoma's Cushman Transmission line and TPOB; th Ely paral lei to and 55' from the center I ine of sd transmission line 800'; th N paral lei to sd Section line 156.68' + - to the Nly transmission line r/w; th Wly alg sd rlw 800'; th S alg the Section line 156.68' + - to TPOB; retaining slashing rights for dangerous trees on the Sly 45' of the 145' strip. --e- - -- - - --. V..r File No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS :~ / S- SALE PRICE Rd, Sch, Port PUO FPo - - - - ----5Z. 108711 Virgil c. Anderson et ux 1 18 A l 5' k. ~p <7'" -Jp.S.. l- fJ/tJ Jr (1.,J_- A ~A , q- J~'J./ !hu L W .1L. ~ L ;;L ff / ?y/ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - .- -- -a-- --------- - -:..- ---. - - - - - -- - ----~ ~---------- --- -- ---- --- -- ----- - - - - -- -- --_:.. -- ___u - -.- - - -- NUMBER OF ACRES V ALUA TlONS Year Oy.ter Timber Unimproved Improved TOTAL Oyster Timber Unimproved Improved Improvements B.of E. (Building.) VALUE .j). 2/ (}.OO J,Lo,t b ;2".-0 ;2,00 Qj. 800 860 IX 3a(') &6' 0 7'.00 ~ ;J~OO .,7,'1.00 ,;<.:20 C,bO !?::2t:'J * L....". :;2.'lC "750 /rf2JS j,f ~jTI .,:?? .:1.75 ~ _-::J-"~C 1!l- ~7c) c?7n -WI- ;;29'60 .::19 tJ 0 2f2 .:lSd')/') ,;?3,~a I~ ;.~ k/htJ/J ~ao lL , 1'5' ,~~ /&"o /5CJ -- J.2. c;?~l> ~~ 1i- - 115 % S-'"O 66D ,7.... 7-,-:' .c , 7C, 7: - /~- -'-L 1'1 c,c' J- 'r(' _c;'(.r C, LOT BLK. J / z:,.Z :z..?::3 :z. 3 000 QC I --- ., SEC. TWN. ROE. r-7'--- -...._" c' , ,C!" T ~'b/ * " -- ~.?.:<. li"~' .-... -- -.;. .~'. \ I .-- *Ex. part platted (Ia]mlnnri ViJln.::;e) <1.# </ .y..#<< o/--#~ I#f ~ . I i I . -L NUMBER OF ACRES I - I I I I YUt Oyster Timber Unimproved Improved TOTAL , L > --. - (L, . .- . -- --.-.- ------ --- - - --f--------- -~-- --- ----- ---._- ----- ----- ------- - -- ~---- ----- -- ----" -----.- --. - -- ----- -F- - ---- ---- -- n_ I --- - VALUATIONS Oyster Timber I Unimproved ! Impr::.yed i Impro...ments i B. of E. - . (BuHdin~15) VALUE I_L 1__; I I --- I /' ' t= I ! I , I I I I I I .j I I I - I I I I I I .--J ! I ! i I --I L 1- t__ - I I I ~~- +---=" 1:---[. --I -~-- I - i 1 .-----:- 1- \ [ ~- . 6 !7 CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS Zno V.., 10~~~8 - 114944 N~MEi4~9~5 - 1 439 lRd' 1c1h8' I~A'" ~I~FPD -L I SALE PRICE 52 16439 Vernon M. Hawk MaLa ~ 16440 Clay Jones et ux Wilkerson 1 [+03 A .2.1. L str: t- ~~ '1-,. ,,.1, fl., 7. J:'/7 ,..,... / ~/ ( ktQ-3 A .3 :i....l:::...tf. ~2>CJc!, "IF 3Ji)fi2 JM.<s J - !J ~S>,; <<I v.'. LC ',' Y 11," '''''Im'" LF ;:;~'f -- - f--1=f--1- --1- ----e-----------------'.-------. ------- <.., -"-------_._._--~------~---- ".~---- '1L NUMBER OF ACRES I VALUATIONS V,.r Oy.ter Timber UnlmproYld Impro'l.d TOTAL OYlttr Timber I ""m".... Impro"Mt Impronmlntl B. of E. (Buildings) VALUE -----2Z 38.817 38.87 250 440 190 ~ 39.98 39.98 200 250 ~2Q.. - ..2ir. 39.98 39.98 200 650 850 21 36.75 1.9C 38.74 300 50 650 1000 !of 3b,7-6 /''}1 32,,7t..J .300 5"0 /3U' /7/b ~ /.::J / J(" /.11 /',/,/"1- 4frJ 6"C) /EtS /<!)JS ~ ~ I/~ t:.<" /7/0 12'10 g., ~~o 75' /710 .;U t/ 5" .a //"'0 ..sa 0 17/D S37() 2'L /lJJJ? /~7'l A< .3 4~ tJ ~ /.99 .:l. ~.20 /.t1tJt'J (;7'10 , ~>7R /.9'9 tf/J1 .:lQo '3 t/ ::tg S'j~1J ?2.. ~,7,? ~." OJ ""~.,..., '.;tsao / /,! fit' 0 ,__. ".L- U- .5'; 77 .:f. cd k?" "7 -"'"..... ..tSiJo 1U'~o 17':;;;)5 #- I< ,~ Z 6770 :2~O .f 1..elJ /7/90 //0 j-. ), f ,-- , ..: I '9~5'i> V' ,//...":.2 .,.; . LOT BLK. / J Z--Z-- ;:z 0 z... '-i 001 cO / SEC. TWN. ROE, G I , , . 1 , , . 1 n ."L F.~" ...---=--- , .'rr* ----.. Note: ~ormerly known as, st SE NW EX. 20' strip & TRs. 1-3 N. 20 Acres of SE NW x. por. Tr. 3 Tr. 3 of SE NW \ 'I Parcel #1 of SP #225 recorded under AF #314433 The N 228' of the Et of the SEt of the NWt of Sec 20-22-1W, W.K. EXCEPTING therefran the W 218' and the E 208' of the N 208'; and excepting Rd R/W ~ *Ex. 1'/- 7 -1-1-1 Tracts' l~R~;-- Ill?..) 1< .s :3 I/O -" ---~ . ~ ." u I I I I . NUMBER OF ACRES I I VALUATIONS Year Oyster TImber I Unimproved Improved TOTAL 0.,d6l' limber Unimproved Improved Impronm'"h B. of E. - (Bvildin9S) VALUE 1? ~/:/ 1._~3 /,33 /~(,o /~6o ~I 7'1 to (;(1 (> ro (:__ 1J... __I.?3 1,33 CO 11-/ (, <' - I if (" 0 ? ------ _.....--- --,' '. f----- , 2- / 1/.., 7, --'_: I -- -.- , , -- f--- .i.-L/) " - ;:'-, -' j , , - - - -- - - - - . 1 -