HomeMy WebLinkAbout122202200020
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Tract 2 of NWt
A strip of land 150' wide and 800' long (containing approx. 2.75 acres) in the NW NW
more particularly described as follows:
Commencing at the NW corner of section 20; thence S along the section line 888.23',
more or less, ~o a point 50', measured at right angles, from the center line of the
City of Tacoma's Cushman Transmission Line and I.Pf thence Ely parallel to, and said
50' from, the center line of said Transmission Line 800'; thence S parallel to said
section line 162', more or less, to the Sly Transmission Line R/W; thence Wly along
said R/W 800'; thence N along the section line 162', more or 1ess, to I.P.
<330796 )
A strip ot land 145 teet in width by approximately 2,100 teet long (containing approxima-
tely 7.00 acres) located in the northwest quarter ot Section 20, and the southwest quarter
ot Section 17, Township 22 North, Range I West, W.M. (Mason County, Washington) more
particularly described as tol lows: COMMENCING at the northwest corner ot Section 20,
Township 22 North, Range I West, W.M.; thence south along the section line 893.63 teet,
more or less, measured at right angles, trom the center line ot the City ot Tacoma's
Cushman Transmission Line; thence paral lei to and 55 teet trom the center line 800 teet
to the true point ot beginning; thence southerly paral lei to said section line 157 teet,
more or less, to the southerly line ot the transmission I ine right ot way; thence
easterly along said right ot way line 2,100 teet, more or less, to the center line ot
Section 20; thence northerly along said section I ine, also common to Section 17, 157 teet
more or less, to a point 55 teet measured at right angies trom the center line ot the
Cushman Transmission Line right-ot-way; thence westerly paral lei to and 55 teet trom
said center 1 ine 2,100 teet, more or less, to the true point ot beginning, retaining
slashing rights tor dangerous trees on the northerly 45 teet ot the 145 toot strip.
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