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Yu, FII. No. t!,.fo1 81{,J;tMEof OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS ..2/S:- SALE PRICE! Rd. Ie" Port PVD FPD #lJ7')6 - - - - 59 17933' Victor Raisoni et ux 1 1l..0' A , Ii L -JL $100 , - ~.- ~:f") .J1L /Y /'b'o r. c. J-' I,' (,(.(1 : t -,pi ',79.55'11 (I - - I- - - - I- - - - - - - - . - - ,-- - - - - - - - - - - - - ~ - ....-- -'- - -. - NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS v.., O,lt.r Tlmb.r Unimproved Imprond TOTAL Olll.r Tlmb.r Unlmprovtd Improved Improvemenh B.of E. (BulldlnOI) VALUE ?CJ ,:J3. .~ ~ M ~~ .~ 5' - -"- , ~ /~ /0 za L' .!Ui ,;l.t') 2.2.. /C1' /0 2#- /~OW ~/ :!./l J.L I "'V-Y .A.J d.} 79 ~I} ;;0' t2 . ).-v- . ",,--- .;; ~J ~C1 - , . LOT \ BLK. SEC. TWN'. I' , r ? . .I' AI/ 'i> ROE. ~1( . '" . - .... _111. ~~ ~ .~ 't. 22 ___ :j. 'fax 674-C ..;....,'.. \ That portion of Tax 674 which lies in front of N! Lot S and Lots 9-10, Blk. 6!, Plat of Allyn. ----.a - - - ~--_._-------------- ~--' ~~-~- ---~~--~ 'L..,