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Year FU. No. /? NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS 'Z I c:- SALE PRiCe Rd, Soh. Port PUD FPD C , SOd.3 7 'i' - - - - --52 01:vmpia Oyster Co. 1 18 A .l .ff:.. L ",3 /5""/271 /l/. ,7~/ ,L ,7' _7' "2;/"fT} V ...L ~ ~ 3 . ~- L7 i-I ct - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - .~ .. - - - - - - - - .- - - -a-- ~- -- ---- - - - - - - --- -- - - -- -.- --7-- - n.__ - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - --- - - - -- n -- __n _n___ --~- - -- NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS VeiU Oyster Timber Unimproved Improved TOTAL Oyster Timber Unimproved Improved Improvemenu B.ofE. (Buildings) VALUE 5".2 IL/? / . "'1 .20 30 , ~ ~ ~ f,o #L1 +'~ ~ -~. ~ ~~ 3"~ q: /tJ,,~ //.0 /~t;) . . ~ / <('1 '- /6 _' .11. I('~ /,-"" ':'J.- /, 'I c, 1<10 /.:.~ CJ ISO . I I, ; I ; / LOT SlK. SEC. TWN. RGE. ( (? d II ,?UUD ( V C I s ..... ~""'!".".... /. IIiiiiIiIIllil ,'""1 r l', ;..'? .' .. .:!'" 'cJl, "-." > .. . . 1'-"."-",' ".__, ".......'"". -C'" ..... ". ". ,"."-.-' - Beginning at initial point, Corner #1, hich is identical with NW corner of J. W. Ludgate Oyster Appliea ion #3008, from which meander corner to Secs. 17 & 20 bears S 7051' 47.37 chains and meander corner to Secs. 8 & 17 bears N 29041' W 37.55 thence W 2.52 chains to corner #2; thence S 28030' E 3.90 chains to corn #3; thence S 60 E 10.10 chains to corner 4; thence S 150 W 3.56 chains to corner 5; thence E 0.67 chains to corner #6; thence N 60E 7 chains to corner I7h thence N 50 W 10 chains to corner q , -....... - -_ n-'-" ~-....:-- ""';; '- __."-"c_ _~~_ ~. _ _~._ __ "'~:c__ OhO'\ \ \ \ beginning,. ~ --.~..- I , " ._~ --.~