HomeMy WebLinkAbout122174100030 DISTRICTS .- /. , Year Fl1eN(':, ~{;:? 2j-3 NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO SALE PRICE Rd. Soh. 1 Port PUDtFPD ~! -- ~~ - 52 1.33461 C. H. Stull 1 ~~ L 52 43779 Fern c. LouQ'h 1 t40~ L _Lt 1; .:6'~ - -. -1- - - S;~:' J 1 (J':; t; ~ /1-2- / . ?7 P W.' A- .J p;;l/~ ty ~-..5/ 7/.3 -- 7o;,?() 176 J,.j-6 f'-!l ;fe:::t ~:;; f7'"~ -1- ~.;(.;>~ - - - '!/JL .2 Q3J,:J1 ~t/"'/,l I>'~. .v .5'7/-,< 6' _.- (II...' l - - V-?c-, t - - - - - I-- - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - -- -I-i- - -I ._--.~--~-- ..,..----------------..------------ --'-------------_. . -- ---- ------- -. . ._.:.~---.'--=- NUMBER OF ACRES I VALUATIONS Vear OYlter Timber Unimproved Improved TOTAL Oyder Timber I Uolmp'o..d Improved Imllfovtmenh B.of E. - (Bulldlnus) VALUE 52 16.16 2.0C 18.1 80 40 120 2L 16.16 2.0C 18.1 120 40 100 260 ~L /~ ,If., ~,o-.) (g./ (" J~o ;k 305" tk..c;- L7:<1{ . db.. /.. -5C> .5b 3J?CJ ~,t) n 9' .Pd hJ<'J $. rPO ?~O ~ /6~!J ,;? 5'g .B A' /.? "''''.4/; 2tL l"f~ OA , .5);)J '7/b/J -rS"~1!"1 ZL 1ftf'~ 69,() -, 1//15 /&::1 Z2. 3.st'>J ~~ r~t) 1-7.s-0 /"f",(! 690 ~~o o/"}tl /OtJP ~:~oo 3('no /-;:?~o 8''1 Ra '7~ 7/1'J(i) 9:-190 /6 'l,Pty /o? ;/.!::-- - /, . ..,.' " 11-'. r__ ;:J _.I, ~ '." , IL 3 '::;-'J 1,7, 0>) ,t;..c, (l I. -0 "I;', 7"(-,7. ';:1 , 17) /...", ' 19 {;G (l" - '?x .:;, '. ~ lifo/55 00'-.:;)0 LOT BLK. / 'I r' , / -' .. .. , / ) 22 7 SEC. TWN. RGE. u~3 ucJ / ~. T ',tj /6 O.OiiQl. / .7, . "''i1Iii ?~ 1 'l'rac.t }.of GQv~.Ioot "\ &. NW <'ll', , , - -.' . -- ,.I~.$" Beg at a point on the E l.;i,l1;,e of Lot 3, '\(1 rods Sly from the NE corner of Lot 3; th running W rS5 rods, more or less, parallel with the N lines pf Lot J and NW SE, to a point on the Nand S center line of Sec. 17, ""9 rods S of the NW corner of NW SE; th S along Nand S center line to a point thereon dividing Lot ) and NW SE by a line running E and W and leaving 33 acres in the N~ and 37~ acres in the S~; th E to W line of Lot 3; th N far enough to leave out of this description 0 acres off the S side of N~ of Lot 3; th E to the Ely line of Lot J, thence Nly along the Ely line of Lot 3 to I.P. except E of Highway 14B.c-ftd"l4-<{/~/f 0' rz, IT 3 Note: Formerly known as, Tr 7 W of R/W of lot 3 & NW. SE. .!2JL.f .1 (1...'>. 1 I ~. (..' D wi, .,. L.. "-' --~... ..., li-IIJ It) .....,... - ~ ---- -- ..'''''~ I .' -('_: J ~r, .J/{'/ I .r/ , I I '--"f. ,~ / /- / / ',/ j .' ....,.. .. / _I \ . I--.J I I e ~.." NUMBER OF ACRES I VALUATIONS Timber I Unimproved Improved TOTAL r Oyster Timber Unimproved I Improved lmproyem.nh B. of E. (Bliild,nQtj VALUE - J'd. r - s: ~' (J 33 'No IL/t. €"Is -, . (j IIB.~',/"" r.~) J"' ~. - / " - , .' ~.' ---' /". . . " :'. - - t . ---- -- -.- --,_. . - -- 0'_- ---- I -- -- -~-_.- ---- ---~- -- - 1._- -- --- - .. -- -.- ---'- --- :__=1 - -- ..- ----- -- r- -- . I .. ----- I ,---I , I I I i i