HomeMy WebLinkAbout122172200031 '\ /.-.J':l I I I DISTRICTS - /~ Year File No NAME of OWNE.R CONTRACT TO SALE PRICE I Rd, I Sch. 'Pori I PUD : FPD I I I I #29483 12/7 265890 Grace-Metro Enterprises, LTD. J.D.Byerly 1 4()_ .Ji.. .3 J-2_ .1_'ll.L 17'160 /-.:J:', ~'-/{' --1i. P ~ I 'I ... 1Js- 11'2 4,,~ ~, ..37K/~ .t.e. I I 1'/01, J"n - c-- -1-- --- - '!1cl I~ ~NJ ;( u.~ ~ 7;1.7(,.S J"'i,&-l, - r-- k7.: r) f1. V? _"" '16'7':<1 /0/15 3076tJ ()J "'d. ""67f'b;'- '1~'V'f:L ./, --i I-,J .te- ._ ___ ,jOG j'" 13811g~ fJkr/Zo~/W ~& ~ ~e, r'7o..J;; p ~ 1/ %0 ~~QI' / f (;, 1/. I, --,\ ~!-.,. ?~/ f;?A h: (J, (J..,/LZ L L 71',;'Z76S 'Y '/X ,tt '14/rL ~3 J/1S-I/s'S .(tt.a~( (J (l, h d tLV ((/,,'0',-,-, j') . () L/-lTl--;, #- 70S' '- Qt:t>,~ '/ f ~ I I - I' I I I . NUMBER OF ACRES II VALUATIONS ... .I.... / cJ Year l---;;;:~ Timber I Unimproved j Improved I TOTA\.. I Oyster Timber Unimproved: Improved !Impl'ovemenfs I B. of E. (Buildings) I VALUE '1/1 It), ~O /11"1 () 10(701 ~O(j) '7:2 ~/" J /5 3?57f :3' :J'~ 13.. '10 37 ~" -3t!,/() 7~ J6a<Y:. I ''''.~r1 7SaQ /5 /.:. , / -/9 /0 ^'" I , ,2,J ,-:7..(:: .-.(...,-. 1'1 C I /11 r': ," . q;; //i tJ , /, .-:':",6/"'1:'/ ? .' , .- - I.... , . ..J ' } .,,;, .. 2S I 17:<;0) IJ - , R'IIO() I - , I 'T t lOT BlK. I / ? -f / 7 ~ I OO(,t 0(, c t. _.. --- . ~_. SEC. TWN. os.. : ) :J.-7-/ 7;L.2() () OJ'\LI Tract A of Survey 9(167 N!, Nl$.; .. ___~;2 ~ (_ .' i 17 .L_~22_ __1 _ r A ptn of land in 17 - 22 - 1 N 820' of E 535' of W 1525' of that part of the NWt lying Wly of Wly line of State Route No.3. Ex that part if any, included in 100 ft R/i-v recorded in Vol UjPg, 133 Ex, any public roads, if any. Ex-all that ptn which lies Sly of following des. line: Beg. at the NI'I <x>rner of the above des. tract; S 0055'13" E alg l-'1line of said tr 310 ft to POB of said line; N 89026' 38" E 130 ft; S 31"08' 28" E 230 ft; N 67025' DEl" E 308.48 ft; + - to the E line of said tract and the tenninus of said line. -"'. , , ./ ~ ,(lr' .3 c ',' 1 Nt)) .' "" . . - " ~ , f , , - , A/1kr:hl'j '7'tf.JV r; 2-1 J' If. , , '. ." I ). IJ" . " " , '