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DISTRICTS ..~/.~ I Yur Flit No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO Rd. Soh. port !PUD!FPO I SALE PRICE 52 Dr. J. C. Will ---1--- 1 ~-b\-1..2_-.k\- ._,,-,,5/ I?W{1 ' Cf / 1- 1 1.l&-A3....i.--.k~fl:. ('(; b',O.- ~,....,..,~{/' h. ,J'~A AL/ ~/:/ / {; ~(/ " '-.1'> oS " , ,. " / ,.-1__/?'.t/. -)' ,rL \--. ' ~---~ 1/ /JL~;' "q'",.!" &.. .?c; -12!:> ~Ll #. . .&-. ;) ':J:)T1 ) 1"1 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - -- - - - - - - I - --- ..- .,;----- -'--- - - _:.. - --- ~.:.--- ---~----~--7-~'--~--~-- .........,.....' _. _-=~~-=-=.....-- c~ ...__ & NUMBER OF ACRES r VALUATIONS ~,#:;2., You Oy.l" Tlmbtr Unimproved Impro'tl'~ TOTAL Oysltr Timber I U,lm",..d Improved Improvltments B. of E. (Buildings) VALUE ~ 75.95 75.9 400 400 -5.1.. 6.70 6.ql 30 30 - .sz. 26.12 26.1 165 165 hi, ;2'1 J IJ ~ij. 7!O .,,7.;2 50 ;;1.<:2';0 U ,;;(rf.7!O :;J, <I ?s- o?,;J,tJo .;('><00 ~ - -1.75L/ .2?~ iLl . g~50 3960 ~ 2., dtJ --2.. / S ..7-9./S ".:;~c:;o ;;2 '7N 'fl6/0 //.'/ M 'liP ..'1.tl '?..:2:l/'iJ , 2L ;2/5 P .;;1.''17 ;1<</~ r .:;5"3~ ~gldJ ~ /. r9R :;l~ f9h .:7~ ~, - /~tp ,;l.!7 '7 /~'b~ /Q//5" 19//~ - 2:b. , ......~~o , '7-7~ / .;:lptJtJ J'l03o .1.2- ,c, /P9.;J{; \ 15'5 ~7?O /.::1000 1'J4 J "11 %.. J'E.<L/lJ :Yt;l/'JoO - , LOT BlK. ) SEC. TWN. I 22 /7 /" <J ROE. o 0 y. 00 I . ili,\.. I . 2.L- _ 'J.. _ ,', -'.; t, '.J 1'rac't..4.'of JJ '. ",.:r .. /~ ... 0::-:' _.. ~... -'.- ,-~ -,'lj..,;,IC.... II"'~- . / " ."'. .,.' '?- t '~"l:' '_.',~ ,- ~ Lot 2, SW NE & SE NW excepting a strip running E and W on N side of above desc of 23! acres and a strip on S side running from Beach W to Peninsular Railway of 2 acres. Except W of Highway 14A and Tracts 6 & 7 & portion of Tract 3 which lie E of Highway 14B. Note: bOl'merly known as Tr. 10 Ex. Trs 10 A. 19. 26. R/w & W. of R/w ',""~. " - --- -,- --~ rt_~ *Ex. Tract 4-A-8 ~ ~ t<Ju; , ~' U(f~';''' ~