HomeMy WebLinkAbout122171400020 Year ---~~-~---------------- NUMBER OF ACRES I V ALUA TlONS Year Oyster Timber Unimproved Improv~ TOTAL Oyster TlmlMr Unimproved Improved Improvements B.of E. (Buildings) VALUE K 1.52 1.52 310 600 910 ..5l 1.52 1.52 310 990 1300 .2L .52 1.00 1.52 150 200 990 1340 ~ .52 1.00 1.52 150 200 1400 1750 2L .77 1.0C 1.77 200 200 1940 --.n.4.Q _ ~X .17 /, Of) /, 77 j{),1 drJ)) /.530 /</.50 . , , Se; /'77 /'7'1 ,t,L 0 0 1530 1930 0cJ , /.77 /77 /3'00 /.;:;~o ~;?i$o .!d ---1.22. /.77 /too 3 <;-7S 5~75' .64 ~2" ~,;t.Q) 1'.:?9'1J ?.5YtJ kf .#?/ZJ 4.:P/() p/.s;, M.. /. 41 j,-t/?J '-'CJ:{) Jj.s If! c. t~o 7LL Iif'% 5".1 d IJ RUt2 13.fotJ , 2L I tt;3ij /.:2:::l/o ,{lWf'o '74 V~.% )3:<1. iJ , ::J>/q~t. , ~-7l9)1 LOT aEC, 1- ,."11"$,< eLK. / TWN. / Z-z J7 / </OC2. RGE. 22 , Tract &>. of (,}oyt; I.e'".,?, . 1 CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS ...? / " - Rd. Sch.~port PUO!FPO I ------ 11A -.5LI 1 1&3 A 3--.2....k..lL SALE PRICE --- -t= ---1---.- ------ I . '-----'\-----.-----:----- --:-:'--7----e. ~ , / . / ~ ( ~,! 1/'l-O'(}'oW ! .l~.:f :::--1-4.1 ~o.~. I . ,.,' ", , -",,:~ '<Jl "," Beg at a point on the E line of Lot 2, which point is the SE corner of . N 23! acres of the SW NE.SE NW and Lot 2 and which point is the SE corner I of a one acre tract of land conveyed to the buyer by Humphrey Nelson; th W along the S line of the tract so conveyed to the buyer, 209', more or less, to the SW corner of said tract; th S 20'; th E parallel with and 20' S of said tract conveyed to the E line of Lot 2; th Nly along E line to 1.P. Also: Beg at the SE corner of the N 23~ acres of Lot 2 and the SW~ NE~ and the SE~ NWi of sec 17; th running in a NWly direction following the meander line, 209'; th W, parallel with the N line of Lot, 209'; th S 209: more or less, to the S line of 23~ acres tract; th E on S line of 23~ acres tract to the I.P. containing 1 acre, more or less. Also: All that part of N 23! acres of Lot 2 & SW NE & SE NW lying E of Co. Rd. except therefrom 1 acre heretofore conveyed and excepting Traets ::. & 2. Also:Beg at a point on E line of Lot 2, which point is SE corner of N 23~ acres of Lot 2, SW NE & SE NW and which point is SE comer of 1 acre tract conveyed to Clem Sergeant by Humphrey Nelson; th run W along S line of tract 290' more or less to SW corner of said tract; th S 20' to I.P. of tract of land hereby conveyed; th run W to Ely R/W line of Allyn Victor Road 11~B; th SEly along Ely F/W line of road 100'; th Ely parallel with S line of said 23~ acre tract to Ely line of Lot 2; th NWly along Ely line of Lot 2, 100', more or less, to a point 20' S of SE corner of 23 ~ acres tract and 1. P. :.........:;.. fUso ~_.lie.g at N\L~orner of the tract of land her..e.Qy..~ribed.and __ . which is in the Ely shoulder of Hyg l4B at a point S 1509.79' and 11'-' E 320.83' from the meander corner to frac secs 8 & 18; th S 29040' E along Ely shoulder of Hy 14B, 40'; th N 68050' E to meander line; th NWly along meander line to a point which is N 68050' E from I.P.; th S 68050' W to 1. P. Note: FOrmerly known as, Tr. 26 of lms Tr. prt. of Trsl 24-25. Tr. 27 of Tr. 10 Tr. 19 of lot 2 10. Tr. 16 & 19 Ex. of lot 2. Tr. 25 of I I I II! IIII U - - --e:- ~-.- :;7-:: --;-'-------:----.:--- - ---- -- -- - - - -- -- - - -- -- -- - _.......:.._- - - - ._~- - ,- --- ~,-:--.:.""C -- -e- - --- NUMBER OF ACRES [ VALUATIONS Ye.r Order 11mber Unlml'roved Improved TOTAL Oyswr Timber I Unimproved Improv-.:t Imorovamenls B.ofE. (Buildings) VALUE - --"/, j, -/-' / .. , " ':, '. - - .. ",'~,'. LZ- ;,oZSO ~{j"'J . /,;./ t.::r .11. C .:0.' .F -," HUI,70 () " " .-, s;., , 1{'7 77 ."t';. ~ "";' r (,J/.r( /,d.7 /7 -1 ::0 ~.""._.'/'~ #-;,;'ZrJ " LL IT . C~I-.. i-Jry-!c;'...' ,-.." 'b- / .1 -1 I '/7 '/'/:- '.: ,~ '. ''1 ::' "\ ,'~:; - ~ I,L-j 7 /. '-/7 K'/#- ,,>- : ;;. 7.:<,-:..- 1'It. 70 1/?iS"" , JL 77..5)5- . - - '1 /"1'3 ~l :) ff!L /1,. r .)'/71::- N';/.) ::>'; '7.':"C: f2..... 775,:?5 ~ 55i~,) /,(3 0 d'S ~ ,t./1 ~ ! 0o'Vl ;.~ /I/~-/ ...".. , ,~ ~~.'Jj 1 b :.. /() y /,1 i ,-+', kX,) (' 1('1\ (I f ../J_, ( I' . ; I LOT lEG. BLK. TWN. ROE. . - --------.. :.....~--"-- - - -- '-' - - -." .--.-.- ' - . .- . I I I ~ \ ~