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v.. j~:' ";5"- NAIIE01 OWMER 53 149685 Charles T. Shaffer at ux 61 /1.r:.7<./I' ~ I. ~/ -I.J... ~/7}f-J0/ 0-v1. o'.~. /1 r j V h..:J /'7~b:~ ...<<:2~,._7I'-,-lh;' d/ ff:j t~U~;/~2 ~:'/~"'-, n ,11" ~~.;"L ~ -tI,? )'h.s-~ !/ f f / · ~.fI L ~~/6tcJ/ ~ d/ .J( 0G. l:2./0(,(}01/1~ ~ n~",j", '-'-u.;/ If tPf /> . uu l8 1/. 1/1 ~ ltLJ<Q,?t&3 j~db 4 ~ J U4- {) 7 .2:JLNJ/r1S Z/.iJw l~ /;1/1:5 ~NM 'r?uk4l-f/fi.nWtW lk DISTRICTS ~ / , -- Rd..". Port !PUD FPD I. 1--1- - / IRil..15;!... ./-'4,q, /1, 'l ,[1. 'h, /) 'h /1 If -'3 fkl.<7d CONTRACT TO SALE PRICE r- '" /,n,d,p' ....~r:;JcJ, -- -----1- -- ----- ""- 'F>: ,(,~6 - ~'"tS'a':::>, --4T;Z(,f'1 "? ;2.6i'.G li' .~ 5'''\';:::;3 "'sC/& ~~ I. // =4/76'c; _ '-'""0(. .. '7 ~%/.2"2. /~C6 ". ~_.- ~'~".e...- ---:;. .___c:--__~...~~_...._~______....-..._.______._""'..........___.....____...____~_........________ . NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS Ye.r Orll., Timber Unlmprond Improved TOTAL Gyri.. Timber Unlmprond Improved Improv.menb B.ofE. (Buildings) VALUE .f:,-.j J,%{) ?!u 50 gCJ S1..... 3.iD "'3 <10 .:30 630 660 4 32J b36 ~RCJ M .]10 ~. .11) 7,9 6;<3t:) 70~ IaL 3. 30 3.80 7L> RID R2'S- ~ . ,/>17. 5'S' /~~ ////"J' If!l ,;zS'tJ /0/5 /.;165" M... ?.6cJ / I? p.: /7h.-'f , ?if , - /5'~o .;z cJ 3' t1 -:;'4':'",3' '" '" -:y,.1 , c2Ro //,iJc;}o ;;J.J'8 3::2101 .::?/6o 5370 ?f.j t.tJ .:zO i'f.5.;!)() 1tlI7~o j4 ~ ,~"H~ 3&,40 :</'-/ fl() /'-Y ~/t>5" 6^~o /j3~zJ /07/'0 7'; . 3JR 70 ~ _~~70 1!J' I.(,d~ !:;z t~'D 4~;; D .1(71) , :;u . - , LOT lEe. BLK. ) / TWN. 2-7.- 17 /2. '-'Od RGE. _J ~ I 1ZI2l2t'7 / '~:c?~t'm~ till' .- .. ....] '7 rw ..~".,"~. ...-' ."', , ____.c-... _ Tr.iWif',.:3_ol' f".,~: I,ot. 1, . Beginning at the meander corner to Sec. 8 and 17; thence W 5 rodBj thence S 64"Fodsj thence W 20'rodB to the point of beginning; thence S 100'; thence E to the Wly R/W line of State Hiw~y No. 14B; thence NWly along said Wly R/W line to a point due east of point of beginning; thence W to point of beginning. _LSO, that portion of said S; of Gov. Lot 1 as fol10WB: Beginning at the meander corner to Sees. 8 and 17; thence W 5 rods; , thence S 400 rods; thence W 20 rods to point of beginning; thence S 30~rods; thence W 16;rods; thence N 30 rods; thence E to point of beginning. Note: ~ormerly known as, Tr. 21 of si of lot 1 -.._, '\ r .::.:....:_'.' - ., ., . _A __ ~. , " ( y.., I o,,'or NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS TImber Unfmproved Improved TOTAL Oyst.,. TImb.r Unlmpro'i'.d Improved Imrovements .. of E. ( ulld\n~') VAlUe. '14 2. .2 /y ;2 .U / ISO 't, .......~'" 5""{,<!O lo~(;, 0 711 "'/ #",~ '-~)~ ~ ~o -e- ,;;2 .5;;;J 0 'l2.. . .54P ~/) a10 /a(:, C-,IJ 7.:5 ..,/..,,, -6- c:1S'e:;JO ,. -'.... ~ .. ,7 ~~ C ~~~ / .5~ I .' ,", II ,") , Ir .J 0:'/ <?- c. ~ ? ,.- ~, ,- , I T '7 7 ' . '. r-c;.' , " 77 ,/, I,D - I - 1//'. -- " " , i , ~- 1~ t:;,C(;, , I ' ' ' I' '7'7 - ,,) r' 'U o? , , c-;~ (,1 !. r ,: -' {....:- ./'j ",,x .. ,', J" :., . (, ~/ , '30 s: d{ d -I" 70;- S" 5' inS- 17," _~ - j , \ e. LI UJ .'. ~