HomeMy WebLinkAbout122171180282 ~-/~ , V..r File No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS SALE PRiCe Rd. Soh. Port PUD FPO C{..-;-..-v' /- L.>-; , - - ,- 18 ;l. 5" , h~ IJ~/ ::<-1,;" Leslie A. Allen " 7-<-<-7"--- 1 A L '*"- 1-:?O~ti:1. -;;c: II ~ /Jt ?r71 '" L f4.2. .dL ..L , 7 If ';?9?S~' ~1' 5/74 ~~:P;1 7 '-'.1.,41. , /-. , J ="84'>-"3 ' 8/7 1 33/Y/j- lu".J}~ d '. e!&x 1?~)"L ., " " , Y!1't ftJfi~ {;H l d:t- J ,'iJhV-Z4'/> Jl D-Y ..a/r/JU - - - - - - - - . - - - - - - - - - - ~ - - I-- - - - - - - - - - - - - -- --e----:.-- - - _______n -------- -- --- - ------ _u - - - - - -- -- - - - _ _ ~ u _ _ _ ~_____:: _~c '!::~_~_ ___ . NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS Year Oyster Timber UnimprOVed Improved TOTAL Oyster Timber Unimproved Improved Impravemtntl B.ofE. (Bulldlngt) VALUE ~ rOt? g /?,c:; /6d --"- :!ol [ 2dIJ .;< a~ ZA-. ~ ~ "'1" " ?'do .4$- l-M;?o y,rtJO ~<IJ<!i 11<- <j J g'c.. -t1 (p~J: ./(7" ( - ~~ '9 LJL._ 7' 5''7 G goo (,." - , ~.-Y . .~ :1:00 :'1/)) XcJCJ . LOT elK. SEC. TWN. RGE. '7 I} J I 7:? ')J (; l C (I . . 3 It;.,. -L_~ J'oc.' J -,,' . ..1 - .' .~ ,~. ' - ~"'.-, --;-<-_-__.y...:-:!~_c~-: -.:- '-" ~.' "'" - ~- 01-' I Tax 29B Beginning at HE corner of S~ of Gov. Lot 1; thence E parallel with the S line of Lot 1, 500'; thence SEly to an intersection with 5 line of Lot 1 extended E ay a point 5oo'E of SE corner; thence W along 5 line of Lot 1, extended 500' to 58 corner; thence NWly along E line of Lot 1 to point of beginning. '.~~';' "'"' '0 Tax 30B Beginning at meander corner to sees. 17 & 20; thence N 7051' E 3126.42'; thence N 560 E 567.60'; ,. thence N 31050' W 320.10' & N 5C.l' to initial point. this deed conveys all tidelands owned by H Nelson:, which were deeded ., to C Sargent, lying Ely of a line which runs N 33 40' W froa said initial point to upper end of said Sargent tract of tidelands. CORRECTED DESCRIPTION: c-neing at the l118ander corner cODllOn to fractional seetions 8 '" 17; thence I'1IIl if 140aa4rl! II line of said seetion 17~ 82.5'; thenee run S 660'; thenee I'1IIl S 109.5' Ie :& '--1-"7 nae,., ot state Highwq 14-A; thence S 32015' E along Ely line of road 181'; the,nee l'IUi II 71":&'~; 260', IIIOre or less, to lIllander line and I.P.. Thence run H 71GE 200'; thence I'1IIl S 29.'-"', and. parallel with lIIINlIlier line to a point. whieh 1s on the S line of Govt Lot 1, 200' I: or ' '. meander lillll; thence I'1IIl E 300' along said l<lt 1 line; thence run )J~ to a point on the II line ot the 51 ot Govt Lot 1 whieh is 500' E of the l118ander line; from this point run W SOO' to the l118ander liII8; thence run along the lII8&llder line S ~9.5"'E to I.P. :!!St 1"..r, "'--- ,-'" ..-.,.,....-;.--.......--'~-,~.:- --. - ,...,.;;~ 'kir_o'~; ., ~ '. . " "- i' , , -4 .-' ~~,