HomeMy WebLinkAbout122164300020 ..- , \ I DISTRICTS r-. 41;5" I \ Year file No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO ---- -.-------- SALE PRICE Rd, Sch.j Port I ?UD I FPD I I "Ar, A 66 ~O It- J !5 I I ;I- 1~5oo__~ Clarence Williams joe Smith 1 L 7/ l?5"JJ4L ~ ~-r'A./nf/ a/Rn "R,,,,n? #69880 IM;r; Ivn A .-SmLth ./~77S'l70a,G(j.. 9jg( 39s~r" TJ.~ Id) f)j :C/.Ju1 n, ff~ " , ! ..c~ 0 E'U . A. (/ I ::f )( 1:) , , -t - I I , , I I~ --- I -~I 1 I I I I , .-...-- ---.. ,. .- . ~' .~ ....'. '-,"" L ~- NUMBER OF ACRES I VALUATIONS .b,J0 I 1 I Unlmp;::::d ! Ilmprovemenh -B.-;f--e:-- Year I Oyster Timber Unimproved Improved TOTAL Oyster Timber Improved ~ (Buildings) I VALUE , -- &'11 9:tH:i $11-0 ~~ , 1i'G" 1.$ //..:1.51- //..26' 719 <'- -~ I~..."""",, 1~.;uLCL 7/ r ':;>/-' A"~ 5'{;,,f1o If /(J~% /f3C,/j J?'3t,o // ' " /- , - -' .;.'"-)~ )/l5~ c , I ' .-' ~ 11r ,;l(_?Ofl 3770 -2 ~ 0 7/'1 1'1 r 0 /0900 309'7 J.liJL 1C; 1-., ,;('sc .2 cO ;/-50 L 700 ~/CO f:1 c ') C (j .;; 00 '150 ;;':<"-al1 ,;(O:;~6Cl r- , LOT BlK. ) I 2-7-- / (; '/ '3 OO'S' 0 y~/'fo 'fS()bO_~'~ , SEC. TW"_ RG~ ".~ ',. , , , .,' "f.:.- . . - .". ~,.. ',. - . ;,~~-~ -,:,,""-,",",",-. , I :""~0' - e""'i-' . -',"-,-.,-_"., r The N 1/2 of the fdf: That part of Lot 4 of 16-22-1 W,W.M., daf: Beginning at the NE corner of the tr conveyed to Doctor Weathers & wife by deed dated 3-20-67 & recorded under F.# 225114; running th N 0016' W along the Eline of sd Lot 4, 300'; th S 89051 '30" W to the Ely line of Secondary State Hi #14-B; th Sly along sd Ely I ine of highway to the N I Y line of sd Weathers tr; th N 89051' 30" E a long sd N I Y line of Weathers tr to the POB; EXCEPTiNG therefrom publ ic rds. ---- ---. ".....'-~ a=.::..-.,.