HomeMy WebLinkAbout122163400020 , 2.0(',/"! , , .' :...~.:.: ,.I :},"' Y.., FII. No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS ,.2-4 SALE PRICE Rd, I Sch. I Port! PUD I FPD I 54 l51798 Edith Skene 1 rf03 # 3 5 L kJ H .--- 60 !~5~8~ Clarence S. Williams 67 I~~~~ Cla~ence S. Williams " {"'-,.- >""/~<t>9'Z- 68 " " IMil~'" McGraw #15481 7~ L/- 4'/, cU ~ / #_ /' .J f!J'f}:<7o fll '!JNild-. (i 1 A : JJ, rL.-. , V-_ Ir ,J2 ') ::t:I 7'..sRI' Sa $8..'!J!~() I'~(' %.3 WI774A -'tJ,~ ",Y..dl. /);, v-tA....u'-", ~ (j 1:,!N~/f:~ ......r JT , , .. . - - ~ - - - . ~- Y.., I 0"'" ~ . 'c NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS TImber UntmproytlCt Improved TOTAL TImber Unimproved Impro....d ImP'"Ov.ments .. of E. (Bulldln9s) VALUE 9/ //),65' //J,t5' c2so ,;) ~o &0 9,HJ lIP!' .... .... 9/7 N),/":' l,f tHJ If' '7 0 rt! CjHJ /, t, e;- lM.!, :;- 91'l / ftlo 1,1{;!: d9~5 It,;' '/:tY-Cl /,('^~ II), /" S- 9,1 /f(O{} 7/5"' 2~tJ;;- Itt ;;. ;; % / / r::;- ;2:J. <;'"r iq~ q:;n1S- t7 It:s 105' 1.2;750 99; 3/t/s-" 08 ,9f-, ,90 .." fCJS- 3,f9S- '7;:; .J. iif,.."" 6 ~/)o /77t!J 777 rtJ 17/ 1/,d/'.60 /790 /.,25~ 11~ I/b7.50 500' //.<50 70 ,9/ ,9( , 2./StJo /JNltJ, ~SOtl 77 31_,()() 3'/Jc.J 3.,..):'.('" 79 71-/500 '.? 9 oi;' 75( 1-/ () ?; 1'1 Ir 0 3!5(1C' 3 J/S{) '"1-/ ?..3' 0 f( .:3 IS O<J ---CJ - 31.'-;00 LOT ILK, I / -z,7.- I~ ;t' :3 OO(P 00 ./ I SEe, TWN. aGE. ' 1:l ;lIfq3.!i/J 6 0'2] - , . . "'--'-, -~",:~-- ........ "'-'-.' Beginning at a point on E line of Govt Lot 4, N ODl6' W loo' from NE corner of tract , conveyed to Dr. Weathers by deed recorded under File #225ll4; running thence N ODl6' W along said Eline 200'; thence S 8905l'30" W to line of ordinary high tide of Case Inlet; thence Sly along said line of ordinary high tide to a point S 8905l'30" W of I.P.; thence N 8905l'30" E to I.P. Excepting therefrom that part lying Ely of Wly line of State Rd. 302. '. . --~ 'f.' ,':--,/.. _It I' <' ..L~' d 2J cftJey' 6;2, I I I I I I I I ! I ~ . NUMBER OF ACRES ...... ., . I. VALUATIONS Year Oys;;;---~mber I Unimproved Improved TOTAL L Oyster limb... Unimpro....d \ Impr~".d Improvements \ 8. of E. (8uildin95) VALUE YL 9/ CUr 3/500 Lf0'2d) 711 00 ---- '------ . . .R ' 91,. , '7[' f'l :;O(J. 7'9770 /!1</~70 I - - --- f---- - - -- ---- ---- -- . -- I --------- ----- -- 1.--- -- -- -"-.. ----- -- --- - .==l - ~---- ------- ----- ------ - - r-- - ---- --- -- - -- - - "" ~ I i