HomeMy WebLinkAbout122093400021 Year File No_ NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS ",,''IS: I SALE PRICE Rd. Sch. I Port PUD I FPD I 1 -... 69 247834 Harris Watson et ux Unidev. , Inc. 1 40' 3 5 L C H 1253828 pi (';)t::) I 1/,,2 ..fL 3... L I-! ,H '/:<1"6/ 70 Buck & Sons Re lt 2- t1... 1~5fa7i~ ;< '/70 ft:l ~~. "'"<S'",.;>~ 70 Earl A: Small #23427 iY79 ~7DQ'i\<; X) ~. n \ j"n.. 1:0 u, ~ 1 #66:7-:2, , leal) 0 I I .~.:~......,.......~. , ' , _.. ,~, . .. ....w.......~.., '...--;;a ", ., .;~'4- I,'" ...'_1'~...,..'" - . ~,,,,,,,,. '. ,.. ,~'~;-~ "1 :-:f,~"r'.7 NUMBER OF ACRES I V AlUA liONS Year Oyster I Timber I Unimproved ~ed TOTAL 1 Oyster Timber Unimproved I Improved lmpl'"ovements I B. of E. (Buildings) VALUE 10 5eJ 5"0 7/ .:2/0 .;2:./0 71./ ,,,,,,,,,,2- 9~O o/".;z lO //ft 03 .' 3 So 7'1 7..50 7.5 tj '1'1 r,O 3 f () 3r::o e." //d..~ I/,.<..s- LOT BLK. / I 7.1 () 9 3 c.; C03 o I 1 1(3...'1 {),9 ',O\~m SEC. TWN. RSo. tLtJ.l () . 1 ~ , .;,... ~ .~ , ",---- "'>~". , '..-" ... I" , :::- '\'\o''''l-','.".:,,,,,~ i .w."'"".."....~.., '..,.""'~"40'-.__'- ~" ,v/" , e~t;:~~~~- J-ioJ ; ?cJ{f~O~()~ ~tl-1-L, ~Yn~Hf-~ ~ Year File NC). NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS -7<15 SALE PRICE Rd, Sell. I Pori PUD 1.EfQ. I - 69 246882 Harris Watson et u:x Unidev. Inc. 1 1.03 3 5 L C k l.{t W~ .-- 1f 25~28 Buok & Sons Re L, q ~ .L .L i::L #23426 I - IA r~b;>'O" [[,. 'I,.,..,~ If "I;t46 I q 0/.7,. ~~{n~3359'<j t/rnM:U.<YJ k c_, , , .;.' --r~-,-::-- - .....i.~4_ . " . b h'lI36)OIo 31:;l/l L Y1 "}-J '~X.-.il. 11-,.1 w";P. II "l :5(,,, .It'\,3L'''' ~/ I ~OA .. n I'???, ' : 0 Y),A_ fi ~ / ,M-.h , I ~-~_.--~...- -.,.,.~. ...... .. ......... .. ~. . - f".._........ .~-- -'. M - .~ - ""1:-. --- . ...j .- . . . ...... ~--. ~. NUMBER OF ACRES LI VALUATIONS Year Oyster Timber Unimproved I Improved TOTAL I Oyster I Timber Unimproved I Improved Ilmpl'"ovflments I B. of E. (Buildings) VALUE - 110 3.'~ :3.'0 _. 7~o 'l.:;.J" 171 . y"o , 7"'0 /JP~j?J /d?7c:'i 171 ..20 CJ' dlZ, t7 0 "PI JVt2,% t.J1l.('J LlOo, 7~ .' . ;,; ,~..,.) 7'1 , J.j 0 . '-fo I. Ou ,', 6, ()(, 0 11 f' .0 J()OO ,.;zoo 0 q). , '-/0 , "I () &OOd &'000 :' ;:. " /j II! ' , / ,. /.. ' .....----, '. - . LOT BlK. / 7.-c.- 0 Cf 3 '7 00 'I 00 I SEC. TWN. RSo. i " c_. .. . .' , , . . .',- - " . ~ '., . -, .!,.......,........'?'..., r~~." ., ....--,'-;"T'..,,~._,. CODlllencing at the BE comer of the SE S1r; thence along the Ii line Ii 88043'12" W 731.16' to J.P.; thence cont1m,1ng N 88043'12" W 628.21' to a point on the center line of existing county road; thence along said center line S 47023'13" W 70.72'; thence leaving said center line S 40056'08" E 13.48' along center line of a creek, thence continuing along said creek center line S 17000'00" E 88.95' thence S 44005'54" E 55.13' along center line of creek; thence S 72000' 20" E 21.71' along said creek center line to a point on the W line of the SE SW; thence leaving aaid creek center line S 1039'02" W along said W line 1861 more or leaa, to a point on the NEly RjW line of State Highway 14ll; thence SEly along said R/W line 319', more or less, to a point that bears S 31015'00" W from I.P.; thence Ii 31015'00" E 641', more or less, to I.P. Except Tracts 2 a: 4. " I . ----...~.- ' .--L....,_,,~