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311.<X"'.....' - DISTRICTS ., t/:..-- Y..r File No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO puolFPD -'-. -- SALE PRiCe:: Rd. Oc'. Port 52 14677' Leland Stinson et ux 1 ..51. - 3... -- .-k ...21 IJn:o 'r~/-"'c;3~ d/' ._J,zI- v 1 1.5 3 .2... L C .p- ,;?.:? 50 _ Sin ~5ff) / VI _ . 01. /II- ,A -az ~j' aN. ~ .-.- -d{,<(7~i? ,-::tU/3? .2... L C ..r ,a.,o" ""0 7! J tJfJo L 'lid. !2... 1L + r8- ...i.. L ~ - - - - - , - I-- - - - - - - - --. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -I . .""., - .' - " -. ,.~ -----=--====~~-====~=== ~- - - _.- - ----""' " -t' NUMBER OF ACRES I VALUATIONS . Y..r Old.r Timber Unimproved Improved TOTAL Oyster TImber I U"'m"",d Improved lmprovemenb B.ofE. (BuIlding.) VALUE ..5J. 6.00 6.00 70 70 57 6.00 6.00 70 330 400 ..5a 5.00 l.OC 6.00 50 50 330 430 M -P_ (pO ;;;.01) 1". t!J 0 bO .J'IlJ 3Ja b.70 k 3.1/1) 3.0-0 c,. (ri) (,,0 .;;<<,.to 370 b70 ;:;;;7 . ~ ?~ .30t'J ~/C ,F///J ~ M 3/'S (~ ~.tJ D/"'-::- /.//./1J ~ .< I;,~ '7 stJ /~tU) 9~,() ~R.3'tft , ,,- " 2L ~ h%'O 9~t? {k::!.JV' 2!L l/nO'~ ,"'noo j.1,bO !lVI/a;. 7l:~~ 3 )15 ~.,J. I ~\ ) /.2'-' . /70 /</5;?-) '? 1L /. ;;C /, 5'0 8.0/'1 5(;50 ,/-~ 5050 a _7. Cd 3cw /;2000 /.2000 1r Co 5&5(' .::.i{"So go 51. K'o Ifr '17'0 ,$.. t; /.,'-/0 LDT BLK. \ I 2 R~. 0 S 3 :3 ooiP i I SEC. TWN. 0 '1/1?':JJ\ CJ ,1.1'q~1J1 Ol~ .. "" '. " " " ,,-no >..-, f S 685' of Lot 1 SWly of Hy and Ely and Sly of Coulter Creek ex. la' for Note: Formerl <Tract B of Short Plat #394) The N 285' of the S 685' of that part of Govt Lot I 9-22-IWW.M., lying Ely of Coulter Creek; EXCEPTING therefrom the E 10' and Excepting therefrom the N 142.50' thereof. (See AF#344325 for easement use over the E 10' of this property) ~.~- ---,' ..-~..::..=. .-~..------;;=~. J.CW.Q... .:z 3 ; / 'f 9'J \ I I I I I i I 1 I i , - . .. v.:t-o."" NUMBER OF ACRES I VALUATIONS - Timber I Unimproved Improved TOTAL i' Oyster Timber Unimproved Impt~v.d Improvem.ntl II. of E. - (8uild,nqs) VALUE 2J. --. 1 5a / _'" a J 0 c: hlsn (,,4/bCl 1/,;),50 ft ,:J.e-C) 3."0 ~q<:;'"oo 7%;27'5" /in 7 7 .:;' ~ A l:' ' S7.:J ;?s.,aoLo~<,ts- . '7r7'1.s- ~,' . -' .II . ~ ' . ,_. f--- 1-' . ., 1- ---- ,-- ~-'~ -. ~ I ------. -- ~-- -,--- ----.-, - ,---, .. , I _I_~- -- ----- ------- ------- ------ -- - ---- - __~.==l - -- ..- ----- -- I- - . --- . '" . ' ",.J ..