HomeMy WebLinkAbout122093380680 Y..r Fll. No. r--52 ..lQ568c 131' ...P..fL.. ,10 11. ~ ~ I/9"YR'1i:. 6~<rJqS:~:~ 1---' - LOT BLK. TWN. SEC. iL/~. \;1- .', ,.". NAME of OWNER 'd /-,L Z";"'", Charles R. Lewis ;t.Y'__~ ~. rI ~:U , ~ lP~. dQ~J~ U ROE. " ", ~,' " ~; /tK:iLl /1.~ '.- CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS -, 4 ",- Rd. Soh. Port PUD FPD ot)oi) 15Z-_3-_...L.. / +5' _2..5 if.. C -L-~ _...i. ...L..ILI~ .L~ .E..3..Jt:;" L iLH ---I- -- / :-, ~:) / I)O~ /000 I (). ;;L09 -6A.lO Ice f 7~39js J' [j{p' o''O! SALE PRICE 4/9.s-1>~- /.>. " ....' V __' j:.., rJ (] , /t1 " C! ,,' , , "-~--~""""'. ?'~~" Beginning at corner !II, a polit 4x4x48" identical with the meander corner to fractional sees 8 & 9; ~erlJM. NJ4~.JOJ"-&-h79 chains; .t-h~ N 5030' WI. 24' chainsr thence along the corrected meander line; S 83041' E 10.53 chains; thence S 10041' E $.54 chains; thence S5~o'E 3.98chai-ns;-. t-hence-N.42~ IfO-r5"chains; t ence W along the N line of Oyster reserve #1 in sec 16, 12.05 chs; thence N along the E boundary line of the Frank W. Ironsides tract of Oyster land 9.55 chains to point of beginning. ~ Corrected description: ,9' 1 t/ J 9'1 Tax No. 16$ of Sec. 9, Twp. 22 N. Ran;:e 1 W.W.M.more partic- ularly described as fol~ows: Besin~in~ at Cor. #1, a post 4 x 4 x 4$ in., identic'll with the M.C. to frac. secs. $ and 9, Twp. 22, N. R. 1 W.W.N. bears N. 340 30' E. 1.79 chs; N 50 30' W 1.24 chns; thence along the corrected meander line; S. 830 41' E. 10.53 chs; tbence S 100 41' E. 8.54 chs; S 5$0 E. 3.9$ chs; N. 420 E. 4.25 chs; thence W. alon; the N. line Oyster Reserve #1 in said Sec. 16, l2.C5 chs; thence N. alonr the E. bounJ~ry line of the Frank ;.!. Ironsides tl'act of oyster land 9.55 chs; to place of be~inning, excepting therefrom, however, all ~ublic roads, CCC roads, streets or alleys no,; lr. use, or rights-of-way for roads now o~ned by, or sought to be appropriated at this date for public roads, CCC roads or streets, by said county, ~,~,~ .~