HomeMy WebLinkAbout122093100050 Ye6t-r-~'-r-----"-"'-'-'.--NAME of OWNER 6'~~1_3~~~~_'f-Do","d E. 8o,b" ,t "' I CONTRACT TO _,,__-"~IS~R1CTS;? /f.~ Rd. I Sell. i P'lrt PUD I fPD i I I ----.1 : , (Vane,>~l~_L 03..A ...2.i_1..LJo.-Lc. H ...--..-- ----I--I--i~-I I '-I-~ ~I-t ~r- J= I . ~;t" ."NU~BER OF ACRES ,... "~ ....--...- _. --.- I TOTAL r VALUATIONS SALE PRlef 8. of E. VALUE Timber I 'Unimproved Improved Unimproved I Improved Improvem.nh (Buildings) I?,NO ?-?J/fI'J. q38() :J.%OD JJ5tJCi 'IO'/7'S- Oyster Timber .'20 () 1.00 4,00 '1.00 L/OO "l. Ul;, V' '-' (tiC! Lj,,, 0 7,j',f'o 93X'o 5".;)'1'8'0 t.j 9 '1.5' I 1._.- I ( ~j't- tf( 7/ ( (j 0 & ~ -- 0 Irl'A'I lL1Zi-2- el (l{LJLL_,() l:u.Jl , Tract 5 of NE SW , '._ ,. - - '-"'''-.''' -'-.-";;" -~.';;:' .-,.+,-.,- Lor SEC. BlK. TWN. RSo. I .i - -J -- .... ~ ...._~-Ji~,->.... J AI I t~.at ptn of hte NE SW 9-22-IW.W.M., which lies Wly of The Wly r/w I ine of county"i''Oa-d;' . EXCEPTING therefrom the N 150' thereof; ( " I) p/-' ,1';/:'P~':7C... and EXCEPT 1 NG ALSO the S 8/9 .' 'as measured a I g the WI y line of county road. (Mr. Chep I-ak" is aware that the deed to Beeber' s has to be corrected and re~rec6rded ) ...- CORRECTION QUIT CLAIM DEED: The S 305' of the N 455' of the NE SW 9-22-IW.W.M., lying Wly of the Wly r/w of Coulter Creek Co Rd; EXCEPT publ ic roads, if any. ',' ,~.~- --" .=-~~'-- ._-- &;;;;,c;c=c_",,