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,. \ I I DISTRICTS _.,,-:"L/: . Year File No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO SALE PRICE Rd. ~IPortlE!:!E. fPD I I I ,- I 74 M. wj Cheplak 1 -03 3 5 L C H .--- ___'__mm_' L S0:rcJ 1C3 'Zi3,yGlr 2j-1~ :f.SIoCfE2_ ..l.~f ~ .,0$- -'- Ii ~ 5 L- (!,. t-I -~~---~_.~.~._- --- -------- - .. ~"" '" " ,,' "'., ,. -----.---- VAL~AT;O~S "~. ',' ~~-:;~R OF ACRES I Yeer Oyster Timber Unimproved Improved TOTAL Oyster Timber Unimproved Improved Improvements B. of E. (Bulldinljls) VALUE 73 .,ftJ ,.PI'? c2::l.t7 ~::20 '71../ P'O ,1M /00% 'I "IlJ .L/rJO / ?J~ , <;;'(\ - ~j ')1'1, :J "I , . 79 ?"..... , '15()() ~Ou 7r Co - ..5,?CO .:JOou Ro , ~rJ ~o ,..50,; - ..6 0;) lfa ,?, p ,~) :.~/',)() .f:"" (') CJ j LOT BLK. / I 2--'Z-- 0 'I -3 1 DC'; g~j...~ ,...-. .,~_._'.-- ~,~ 6t3IQ1 . SEC. TWN. 'So. I 0}2 (I Cf3 / aD', ;.,.,'. ~,--., ., .. ,:f /-.?,~- . .. "'-",,'I: 3eJOlt:.. .~""~.....,.:.->-.~;~--,,,-~,..-.. .~'_.~---",,_._~ That portion of the HE SW lying Wly of R/W Except Tracts 1 & 2 ,C'~' . _' ~ it.', '<"<V't,': . . ' ..'.... '-. --~- .'... ..^~ . . ._......;..----.. .~'li,',