HomeMy WebLinkAbout122092190000 - Y.., File No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DIsmlCT8 ~~-- SALE PRIC~ Rd. "h. Port PUD FPD .... 'i2 121'i'S'i Francis W. Loull:h et ux , <;2 :z; ..L.. r1 /, /l.5.'71 I) .4 /1 1. D_ "",.fI --! , ~ /) I~;--";f: <iii - . ..L::=C -'='- jy If'/9/0/ / U /.. 'iJ. ;2,_d4 ' / -'/,2 .3 l5' ./ C FP /.<9 11.-f/9'/-s..!:: .. .' ~,..... kh~r I- <1/..>3 .L J i e y# iY.{:,::Fb/S- ...., Iff.1,.1b ..c. f kJ/ A /J. A J ,; / 110:0 11 3 !i L- (!.. ;.! '11'- /</-'7iC3 i" 1/Y.J'-i'2? '6(. /,,/ ....0/ A - ) " " /,1, !:Ja A'/t;'. A1~ - - 72/-:?t;'~ ~-r.j 'A/O %7 3315'16 LiQO I (, Cf. J1J"L;voJ~ 1-<;(; C" :J '" 53& is :/./ ; 3cooc :;:;;lIP '':;' , ,'(' .i - I-- %" ~. . , d j(., I #f~3..'.l1, h - --- -- c,l1b <,IS""" :f 0, ,,(JI.' 1. I. ~ J_ ~h. 0- Itn~ o/<:j,..~ ...; f 0 .... - I-- - - ~ . ; - - - - - - ----~---------------------------------------~------=---------~-~- . . .'... --- NUMBER OF ACRES V ALUA TIONS .? "1/ Year Oyst.r Timber Unimproved Imprond TOTAL Oyster Timber Unlmprovtc! Improved Improvemenu B.ofE. (Buildings) VALUE ..! S;L .) tJ ,;:(0 It: b/ If) ~/~ k'! -'7/0 'J.o /60 /70 330 ~7. /9,3"1 /9.-.9"t /.s-o /70 ,'1.2 0 Sf /ti,j 1 / tj. 31 ! 15' /70 -2%S &,/ IQ, :3'1 /9.Yl --- .:u 5' v.;) //5 a .r~ /I'/cJ c27eJ ~J1) 1i /"/.$9 2. "-(J /'/,5'1 - ~;1.o 75 ,; "l ,.:- 7.;10. . . /"74tJ $:15 /.:!5 ;l;1f'tJ 711 ~ ~~ 7.5t:J ..:t5b ~f) 7/ /.;1 ~ r/ 7.3~ /9:.3'1 9";?.;;JO, .;:;52> 9'9'.70 , '74 /t;lo% /~fi~o ..5'00 .I 2'9 p:t) '1(, 17-3'1 .? .' ;'? :'1 ;;i:.<~, . - :?.;<?~ ,) 7f( ~JI /"""140 /\ -:lS ,?(X", -5-7--=j-M .J :? t;nl\ '7Q ~.5 J'N) ;2,;' 7".., (,,'-f5DC> w.,,, R~,J 11ft! -I~ P.. J5g8d , 35 goa 7'1 1,<", -0-' LOT BlK. I J 7. 1...--- 0"1 'l.... I OO:J... 0,1'"\ i g~ ~ , SEC. TWN. RG~. rz-:--2:9~i ~1.Q,.QQ,,\ '.' . , ;l20 .._._~ - 1 -'~'" - . , .... , -- .' - . -' ~. "",,,- 5qfllj;;'j '~-:i~-' '. . ,-.,. ~_.~ ---'- -- .:;'--;:-.~... n,,,c t . --.;~ ....:...~: . "!0'1"'"' ~.- ~ --_-_ -~o..,- .;.,;- FOREMERLY: S2 NE NW EX FORMERLY: 52 NE NW E of R/W \ I Now Tract A of Short Plat #1560: That ptn'of theS 1/2 NE NW 9-22-lW,W,M" lying Ely of the Ely r/w line ofJ)eUlter Creek Co, Rd, daf: Commencing at the NE corner of the S 1/2 of NE NW 9-2~lW.W,M which bears S 0015'57"W 665,50' from the N 1/4 corner of sd Section 9; th S 0015' 57"W cilg the E line of sd S 1/2 NE NW 20' to TPOB; th continue S 0015'57"W 392,46'; th leaving the E line of sd S 1/2 NE NW 'N 73052' 29"W 200.34' to the Ely r/w line, of Coulter Creek Co Rd; th N 23048' 40':E alg sd r/w line 368.48" tap on a line which bears N 89036' 52"W from TPOB; th S 89036' 52"E 45.52' to TPOK, , , ____ ~___'_". ___"",,~,",,~---..--_-..o__~-~__ ~ _=__ .",..:~.... -_-'''"-'__.''C.__'-':-'::"' ~ . ~"._'1 *Ex.-Tract :). c: f)j IV - ........~~ - ------..~ - - T I I ., I , , , I ~;;., . NUMBER OF ACRES 1'-1- VALUATIONS . 11mb.r I Unimproved Improved TOTAL Oyder Timber Unimproved I Impr~y.d ImprOYlm'nh 8. of E. {811lldiI1Q5} VA\.UE li... ---- I---. 17. 3'1 J. C>^ {9. '7 C, D. 1":>';-900 .,? 'i ,?OO $).. /" 3'0 "feG 1'1 30 77 7:<5-' 777~S- 3d.. 's"'r? ,18 7.f'H' ?dQ 17.375 /787S "':'/L t'i .;? ~n() 0 "3~n~ x5 c,~/:. /t')ci /',11.1- '7<?-3? 79:30 ---- - --.- ------ - - - -- ---- --'- . I -- -.-. ---.- -.-- ---- -.--- ----- - 1._.- - -- --- -- --"-- ----- -- ----- -- - --- -----. - .==l - ---.- ----- ----- ---- ---- - , .-- -- .- , . l J , '< .' .. ",",-'