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.... Y.., File No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS ~ <yI,j SALE PRICE Rd. Sch.IPori PUDI~ I -- JOfi''-fS <7 -#/&75',:3 70 217411 e. Nona O. Griffey L.L.Nelson 1 03 3 5 L C H f,"21')8'f--- / , I r251065 .J,f. t;1'1 /70 R.B.VanHorn -L ~ ,3 .2.... k f!.c.. tL $3950 V;;; ;:'~1Y4 ~o. If;j). r, g;~ , l(,e.t:!,-5/;l 7 1111. ~~f;2/&(P '1-111, '/H .., fI ~.-7'::. ~,. I ~ JI;;/:~$'* %/- 3:z1'It,.~ l .r-:..;:;' .I.fIEN~'f-<'.) <I NLJ. =,/- Ys:? /lIIIIS ~, j;.d. :s -r I ;:. -?'F3/.5'<77' ...~o ..vA ~ '/'1/7// 1(l.f'A/~ .f! :i'----r-_, ~.-h.., riv"'k. ) /..j LJ <,,-,J . 9/'PO:2-. 0'~ If ."""".._ ._ w"_: . ~- -' '., ...... ~ - -- . . i'\l; " '''''to ')1"'" ~i'l'"'''' I' '1fI/:' ~ 'H ',,~ "" NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS Year Oyster Timber I Unimproved Improved TOTAL I Oyder Timber Unimproved I Improved I Improvements I B.oIE. (Blllldin~') VALUE tlI ;/$ LL"fr. .-,/ .--1- .,;'?6S'" 1a ~%' .:>;;fLJ 53/') 1'1 /9/0 /9/{) "it) /iJa'1o !iJ?:LO S,ff~(J iE ,~ .~ /~,g., Sfl.:2- (J) 'I; -~ ~ .. /,? -- - .".:?.; "J_) ::.-- )->~' ,;/)',;.,; -.:J /. c' J 7Y' /.251,-, 7/ .51 ('J /1%0 19 4.~5 -4. :;:5 - I'U5o /3{J'j<;" c2t..3'i-5 11 Ir 0 {,,:;RO '7(.90 /5'1 r. 0 Y'l '1'::'- 'I ;< .s:- ~bn,"'n ';!1S'tn '-/7S-c'O ~L./ ;;;'/''''''0 3t,,t//fM (P::< '/Od fj lI1iJ~JlI', ,;f M. ) ., ~,/ "",," 'i115tJ :J'3f5d , I LOT BlK. / / 2 vel 9 / .3 OOl-- 00 / SEC. TWH. RGE. , ~ ~ .