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Yeu File No. I NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS ')..#" Rd. Soh. Port PUD I FPD SALE PRICE: 2L 147924 Francis w. Lough et ux ..sI:....1t:..'JS7:; !l~<UA?A. (/ ?Jl dC;PO' --11(. D. Jtfl,rc fro /.L ~':Xltp'l, 1i. Ut /., Uh.,a'c A?, d' - .J/;z2::l-1/'!f1:J.."1J.~ URn-1.:f 1'. .J. '::./J.:LJ,'io3!cO /f ' I ~ili/'llf~f, '" 9;fI g'1S7f'3 :>>//#/-1-1- t', :;( ~""dA../d"'1/\v.J /1 J ?J / 1 52 ..L__L_ / ~5 3" i!... C ~Ff LW. ~ - /. e,. I))') / *.-3_(L~2..L e:.. II B'::<~~ , 7 41""" --" 399''''7 'Q.., ra-'_ V!'o", :......:::..r- * 7.s-Sd'$/ WiD 1---1- NUMBER OF ACRES .. . ..._.._'~~.... '",....:, _._-_._- - ---- ......... VALUATIONS .--' ...._~...' ~. - - LOT BLK. I SEC. TWN. Tlmb.r U,dmprond Improved TOTAL Drat.r Timber UnImproved IAlProved Improvements B. of E. (Building.) VALUE /0, C}o /CJ. iJO 5CJ 50 J?O ,yO ~~ /LiCJ /cJO _~.2JO :3';:ilo 5~ ,.5^Sa "-5'70 .c:-9 tJ "c,71% //RtJ / / Ill) ~QO ~cJcJcP /tJ(J7:, 'ie;@() Ji?OC!O ~'5:C'r.) Goo ;/-000 ~oo CC(lr .~"oo ;f .en I. flu L--J; C'J,; (,(.m I..,.r"., 3;<0.35 ,,-- 11-((,00 1f.5:?(I() .;i''i?oo , { ,J. tS ~y ,F-ft9~' ~ Ir-ICorJ 35 {)Co I-/- '1 (..(:0 / '-100 (00 -$. 00(; 1('.. A f./.on ;271:2.;; 34J.75 i ! / 2- z 09 :; "Z- 003 O-C~Ol q' /2~~ RGE. I' Vu, Oyd.r oS? -:2!--- ~~ g ~f ~ ~ 7L i~Et', :&- 77 .1'L n. 11 '4< .:.~. .h:' l~-,; , ,...,,,,.... ..,,. , > ,. . " (Parc11 1 of S,P.#1499) . The N W2 W~ S2 NIl' NE 9-l;' 1 W, W. H., in Mason Co. Wa. and The N 20' of the S2 NE N 9-22-1 W,W.M, in Mason Co, Wa, C" do/w ';oe 0' <oe '( Heo Ooeo' ,=,. "NO" 0' which lies Ely of the NE NW) . ,.~ A' ..A.~~ I I I I rTTl I I I .' . ~-' -1__ NUMBER OF ACRES f VALUATIONS , ,.,f0 Y.<!Ir I Oyster Timber I Unimproved Improved TOTAL 0'("..- limber Unimproved Impr:''1ed Impro"emeflh .. of E. (luildln~l) VALUE - E.l: 1---.-- 1---. tf"o 10 ~ S- 0 C) l::<2FoCJ '1tJ'I'lS"' t, R 'i9 _"- !tf p, c-',!',f MOOo. -e- 20=(:> li.. baA /,.50 /,0 C ')..'-0 /0UirC ViS .s t, i/9S' 7'1 / ;i J~ . , , r 7S~0' -t/ '7",-06 r;, I fs /fRCOC y/, '1'95 5 (... '{"l-,S ?5 _.=--__1_ ,:;;0 ,${J ! . , , 1t::o~ ~. 75'"00 S-e.-.!: <::::.e.. (:.-i~ ,;J.;;uq I ~CX:O~ fl l== - - -- ---- ,.-- --- -. . ~ I .------...-- ---- -.----- --.--- -- 1._- ~-~--- I -- ---- ---- I I ~.~ un ---- I-. 1--' --. -- ----- i i