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Rd. Soh. Port PUOIFPO
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Tract I of Short Plat #661:
That ptn of the N 800' of the NW SW 8-22-IW.W.M., lying Ely of State Rt #3; EXCEPT
the following describE,d property recorded 11-1-72 under AF# 274654, as follows:**
Beginning at the SW cornElr of sd Section 8; th N 10 21' 00" E 2628.09' to the
W 1/4 section corner of sd Section 8, which corner has been located midway between
the SW corner and the NW corner of sd Section 8; th alg the E-W center of section
I ine of sd Section 8, S 880 07' 32" E 1313.69' to the NE corner of sd NW SW; th
a 1 g the Eli ne of sd NW SW S 10 34' 09" W 20' tap on the Sly ma rg i n of the Victor
Cut-off Rd being the TPOB; th continuing S 10 34' 09" W 200'; th N 880 07' 32" W 200';
th N 10 34' 09" E 200' tap on sd Sly margin; th alg sd Sly margin S 880 07' 32" E
200' to TPOB; EXCEPTING therefrom publ ic roads, if any.
** Beginning at the intersection of the sd State Rt #3 and the Victor Cut-6ff Rd;
th Ely alg Victor Cut-off Rd to the NW corner of tr conveyed to Port of Bremerton
as mentioned above; th S 200' +- alg the W I ine of sd Port of Br'emerton tract to
its SW corner; th W 100 S ( also known as S 800 W) a distance of 285' +- tap on
the Ely r/w I ine of sd State Rt #3; th NWly alg sd Ely r/w I ins of State Rt #3
to POB.
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