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3/79 ~0419 ~. ItJb Rilty. BAt~ de t-~o #2732
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A tr of land in the NW 1/4 7-22-IWoWoM., daf:
Commencing at the NW corner of Section 7; th S 020 01' 32" W alg the W line
of sd Section, 1,054071' to POB; th continue S 020 01' 32" W alg sd W line
210'; th S 640 18' 06" E 1,154.04'; th N 270 47' 37" E 192046'; th N 640 18'
06" W 1,245040' +- to POB; EXCEPTING therefrom road rights-of-way.
Tract 1 of S.P. # 1587
That portion of lot 9 of Survey 5/94-96 in 7-22-1 W.I'.I'. ; which lies NWly of the
foluowing described CL of, easement parcel B as shown on that certain easement de-
claration recorded 366041 said CL des. as follows: A strip of land 60.00' in width,
30 'on each side oJ the fall owing des. CL: COl1111enci ng at the NE corner of Gov. Lot I,
7-22-1-W.W.M.; Th. N 87:~2'45" W along the N line of said Gov. Lot I, 37.87' to the
TPOB of this CL description; Th. S 44 38'36" W 754.74'; Th. S 29 57'38" W 150.28'; TH.
S 18 12'30" W 148.57'; Th. S 28 03'32" W 190.13'; Th. S 47 48'19" W 331.85'; Th. S
35 57'25" W 185.13'; Th. S 45 21'28" W 252.20' to a point hereafter referred to as
point A; Th. S 31 39'06" W 522.92'.