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Ye~'T--FII. ,~o '-r-.---"-------NAME of OWNER ----- I CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS J - Rd:'-I~;!:?!!.. 'U'1. :'I'D : . ______.___L40: A 3~-~-j-H. Bat~ty Po. A"rl""~Q1] L.L-i- #62732 I I J ~~~~'1! ~____~~ichaeJ B. McD nald eft u (~au4_iL.~ -~fi~ ~=j;PZCh ~~' /<tt;j 'U<;;:::&al) 11 . '" LJ I .. #j'~ 933_ . , !I,. ... (";'ru~, f;)~ ),t~ "'''" 5QQO~ 2.00 I , , SI\lE PRlCf fig ,.Mecgar.. _BoJ.s.A r.i'l~<Ci'lde..Corp. 31-7.9.. 36DAI.9.. _, 2/80....3D21.<!_~._._ __. ~ 394509 _ __ ~_. 11p .-:t.I.::>:7j.f!_ ,. _,~ , ~112.. 4!_':1"Z3L ,______. -,- 1--,-- '-,- - - J!l'--__ 8).. ~ ,0::::;. /l/) I I TOTAL I 1_ ,c;. /? /) VALUATIONS :-.~ ~ (<fe) B. of E. VALUE ~"" . NUMBER OF ACRES Timb.r I Unlmpro...ed Impro...ed Oyd.r Timber Unlmpro...ed Impro....d Impro....m.nts (Bllildin9') ), -) _0 ''-- [ - -c) 4.29'S ,J 700 0 I f't'" 0 t ~.29.s- .;z 7 {j cJO ,,(,f'O,:Ja 1---.- - .-- 1 1._.- :___=1 :~-~--I-- 1--' ! I 1 I --I 'lI 0\ 'lZ~O'P-'~,.~~ ., ,ti~'YtZ: .-,------- -----f-- ----, ,- --,~'---'- --- --------1- ------. --- ---~--_. LOT SEC_ BlK. TWN. RSE. , 7, 22 ,\ Tr~ct 98 of,Survev 2/94.96 i\~ A tr of land in the NE NW 18-22-IW.WoM., daf: Commencing at the SW corner of the E 1/2 of sd NW 1/4; th NOlo 30' 24" E alg the W line of sd S/D 1,917014' to POB; th continuing NOlo 30' 24" E 528042'; th S 680 22' 33" E 374050'; th S 520 49' 34" E 366.39'; th SOlo 30' 37" W 159077'; th N 880 40' 59" W 698092' to POB; EXCEPTING therefrom road rights-of-way. . ------, . '.-,.