HomeMy WebLinkAbout122067500020 y,: I 2-~;;~5-r---. 2/73 276505 Forest ---.---" -- 10/7 294675~_ ~"'o05?' 7n q/76_ .2l~2.:?9 0/80 078097 ?;7lj'!f 1'/t."2t. NO {:is<'' 6ge",} _____,__u..__ ,..._ NAME of OWNER Products, I nc, ~ ~.'70() .."..- . . .".."....... ,811 " NUMBER OF ACRES Vear Oyster Timb., Unimproved Improved TOTAL 7'1 ~Cf 5.00 500 77 0 XL - () :'J .::.":,00 11.2._ ~(.!JO j,oo 5/)0 -. ----., 1-- ----- - LOT SEC. BlK. TWN. RGo. " :!d-.?9l S!.lrx~y , CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS ;l.. 7 Jp Rd, Sch.! P':Irt PUD I fPD I I SALE PRICE 2 403 A 3 2 Lei #42646 #41672 #49466 ,~6~~~5 "3"''''95'" Wayne 8, K~ Re i d Rea I tv Re und et a I MFII iot pi u" Fdnc s) /If.i. If,,- A ," ,;4 L "fI / "...,._. .. --"- '.-~-----~-----~-- ..,---,-~---' --...,. - - ...~ V;~UATlONS i.,Re; .' Oyder Timber Unimproved Impro....d Impro....m.nh B. of E. (Suildin9s1 VALUE 7')00 /?iJO Crt,.. of {l --re.; cJ750 ,;z 7.50 ';'00 (J t,ooo 13.5'" t" /35'0 cJ /7000 3%(.1,,5.5(./.; i j..2fail7 ;)1' 0.: 6 LQr$], ' - ,',' <,; -~'. -... '-'. "- --: '''''''-'-'''.. 3""..- '.... -' .... - ~. !'". .~ =,~.'.,~"''-7_~'''~~' '~-"-f"";:?-- .. '" ;",_.-,. ~~-'""'.-,.,"" -'~.,~ A tr of land, partly in G.L.6, & partly in the SE SW, 6-22-1 W,W,M., particuiarly daf: COMMENCING at the SW corner of sd Section; th S 87046'1 I" E 1907,29'; th N 02041 '54" E 676,25' to the POB of the tr of I and hereby descr; th cont i nue N 02041'54" E 197,57'; th N 87046' I I" W 1052,66' +- to the Ely I ine of the Plat of Alderwood Vi I la, as recorded in Vol, 6 of Plats, pg 5; th SWly along sd Ely line of Alderwood Vi Ila to a pnt thereon which is N 87046' II" W of the pnt of beginning; th S 87046'11" E 1123.52' +- to the POB, excepting therefrom rd rights-of-way, Sd iand also known & descr as Tract 2 of Alderwood Tracts. ," '1l!-.,.. .,'" ~,. ... ,.-- . .: ~ "- ---'J" ._':'.~",,--.-~ ------ . - -- ~. '. ~ -<';"'"- ~~.~. .,~ uLli"u ;~....~_.- #,?fX;o&S ; ~ ~'c'Hr T<" ~.o;(~ ~/Y7/c:: _,,',k'[~/-./L /c::-..." &J# ~ ',7 '~a) ';:h " /v/_ ;!fQ/&, 8:';, :' /1iL) J.eL~/.',HcK- '/.- ,,{/=~,,'LJ ,1'::.7? I"t'E,' '/.'.r/,.,-,.',-, t' .,f.'