HomeMy WebLinkAbout122063100050 Yur Flit No. I NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS cl76 SALE PRICE ! Rd. ..... Port PUD I FPD f!1D. - - 52 137017 William A. Edwards et ux Bll1:( Lalit: 2 .M. A h 2 J..... Q. 56 165492 n n HawkJ.ns 2 1.01 A 11 2 L Q. .J$950 - t.. (, l.1..:?d'f-~ f:l.' A' ::L ,_A W"" J'.) ,7f" ./ ::J @j .4 ;::; ., .L.. (J./ L ~ .,~ 1,.:_" / 173400 'vI --- r1f ~~78!7-1 ..L ':/n.3.. iL ",L ;L L Cff f tJ - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - ~~-- --~=--~-~--=~~=~-~~~=-~-~=~=~-----=---------------------- d .____ . NUMBER OF ACRES r VALUATIONS Y..r , lmoro....menh B. of E. Oyltlr Timber Unlmprond Imprond TOTAL 0,"" TlmlMr Unimproved Improved (Buildings) VALUE ~ .42 .421 15( 550 700 1-5..: .42 .42 15( $00 950 57.... .40 .42 .$2 20 15( $00 970 .5i. ' </0 .712- ,,;'2- .;20 /oc?o %00 //..:26 ftt2 ,'10 .r/~ ,YJ... -E3- /t1l,p() 6' ,y () It tl CJ .!d ,tj.o 4-A , g;J... II (1) I. Q.;-c _Y1 :;:'" ..6k .- /.3'7~ .// 9.-r 1.2";7.11 J:l- 1:7 !52J //9.5 :< 1f/5' , .14- .1'7.. .y, ""',~r ' I);" ~ I~ 3' S/.J..o ;;/ '7StJ ".:260 22- ~dl5o ::l6:2t:J __A_ '7~, " 1\",./) J!J ,..,p 5/::>c.. ~c.:lc. .f!J3,/t) 14- /(>,$,% A lv6"~1 ~~.2I:/t'. j;:') ~r. 71 ,/-}O . ^I;;l. C"- /J.5IJ(} 7980 :?- f'-f r? (J . va- 1'1 ~ . . 19700r) ,;2.;2 S{j " :/ 1'lJ?I() , -.2- 0(0 ~ , ~ ') J LOT BLK. . IEO. TWN. ROE. ~~:'~lto.~.6 0 '5.' 0-; > , .. " ~...,;. __.~. ~,' ,>'~-. "'I:;i, That portion of Lot 4 which lies Nly of Navy Yard Highway as follows: Beg at the SW corner of Sec 6 and proceeding th along 'the S line of Sec. 6, N 89034T30" E 1431.74T;.th N 0018T15" W 2090.83' to the intersection of W line of Lot 4 and the Nly margin of the Navy Yard Hy; thence on the arc of a curve to the left having an initial course of N 50010T45" E and a radiu of 2834.9' a distance of 65.42' to the SWly corner of tract and I.P.; th continuing along said curve on the Nly margin of Navy Yard Hy, 169.37'; ~h N 15o~a'5" W 149.75'; th along meanderline S 58045'57" w 100'; th S 0018T15" E 207.73' to I.P. :1 ~ax 1025-B - All that por of a tract of 2nd class T.L. .(O.L.) in front of above desc, including that part of vac Clifton State Oyster Reserve, Plat #138. Note: &ormerly known as, Tr. 7 A of Tr 7 of lot 4, Tax 1025 B . - -=0__"'- ; ., , , I Yedr Oyster 'li ---' 11'( 12 I~- 1- ~-~~~' I . 1-. -, TImber NUMBER OF ACRES Unlmprond ---. Imprond Q-V ,S' ..... --, TOTAL ,&,y .gy Oyd... , Timber ~ J ,6 l'>1 E ti- 1/ , l,(("fC:,,.L,." $;-, c. *' le1- V I , , I I VALUATIONS Unimproved Improved bl'v s'-<>oo II.5oCJ 73 S"t>o 7 g 5"00 I I ~. ',."", Improvements (Sllildlnqsl .. of E. VALUE ,.....g/o 7<7~/() '1'1~ () .,l {480 3-'-7{)r /tI~.:(/!S- ;'1t>.:J.O 9~5".;l. d ..j~~ .....'--'~"......1IiiIiiiiIfIIIi