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Year File No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS d7~ SALE PRICE! Rd. Soh. Port PUD FPD M2 1). 1". Wrlgn't; ~~6 InJ' - - t;? 1 02' 7~ In . 2 l.J.5... ..A l ~ .k. C Charles T. Wri t 1 3 5J~ 102177 D. F. Wri~ht 2/3 Int. .3 ..(/", LL ..L .d.. .it.... L {)(~ 0.. "T t7f v) t/b3 @ L ?J34'l12 ~""N 6.1 /'/P//';'/./T .." .d -='? -') L ""- -'-"- ~ g( I 1a3 11 3 ;2 J. (di I - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . - - - - - - - - - - _. - - ..-_.:.~. ~'. ~..__.... --- - --- - --- - -- -. _:..~ --- --- --~ -;; -- ----- -- - ---- --- -- - -----_..:!':~--- NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS Year Oyder TImber Unimproved Improved TOTAL Oyster Timber UnImproved Improved Improvemenb B. of E. (Buildings) VALUE 5J- /J'.9? l'l_ '1-"'- Y~b -'7Z>O ,. 3(lO ,300 IL.t: ~ 3~5 ~ ..3.?S ~ L ~~ ..2.ztL '\ 7.5?J / ?SO ?.5b loW ..(i?L1~ .LSIJ'O \.. . I/sadl 77 /S oC / )500 1{1 dOG / /50D 9J. /99b /7 ~!;, /:::;/)0 /...s--' 0 SG' 22t.o 12200 . LOT BLK. - - I - - - , v - SEC. TWN. RGE. 121~i:O!0C';t3:2;Om:m2J '_ _ . "' -. ,"--_. _. ... " , "'.~- "_. - .""" . < --. ,- f _.___ ; ~ ' . --~,.,..-- ,7'-__--___. ".----~_.- --~- - ~- Oyster land in front of section 6; Beginning at the initial point from which the meander corner to secs 1 & 6 of Twpi 22 & ranges 1 & 2 bears S 43015' W 21.$75 chains and S 24045' W 9.47 chains distant; thence from said initial point run N 25020T E 15.51 chains; thence N 46045T W 9.10 chains; thence S 58055T W 15.32 chains; thence S 46045' E 17.80 chains to place of beginning. ~ C~S!e- _____u__ - -, .--"_. - -,-~-~- -~...>~ Yaar FII. No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS d7t, SALE PRICE Rd. Sch. port!PUD1FPD _IHQ. ~ 02177 Charles T. Wright 1/3 Tnt 2 03 A 3 2 L C .idL d '0~ !:L ., 2. I.. (J L '-"""- .>2.. '%0 3f?'1~/:z.." , ~ j . ~A.<.Y.t n ..L 1Q 1L 2... 2.. .L ';d{ .L - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I-- - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - -I - - -."'- ~-:.: - -_: -- - - -- - -- -- - - - - _: - - - - - - - - - - -,- - ~ - ,-".' - ;--- ---- ---';'--,-:~_':'-_":'_--';;';;";'~ - --..; NUMBER OF ACRES ~ V ALUA liONS . V..r Oyd.r TImber Unimproved Improved TOTAL Oyder Tlmb.r UnImproved Improved Improvemenh B.ofE. (Bulldlngs) VALUE /5 () /S-tJ ~ ~ !5': r; /90 /9CJ JfL ~ ~ ~J?() .$ ~CJ za. qA'b 31'0 21- /.Pd~ 7~O '7' If- () .lL 7&,o 7;;. (') 7'1 7(Po l~o 3A ?l . ),~ . " 7b 0 76CJ ...... / .1.2 -7 ~ , ~ .4/~. ;" , /1 I' /..j 67 :/E/. ,^,~ .T , / " "/j 7 ,~/ / /,." ':/h' /-'1' ,", - '. .....- 11/ , I , , LOT BlK. , . ...-. '"'--- - -.--.----- -<! . crr-:'TTT - ,'...em SEll. TWN. ROE. '."., '-.1. ,. , .. ~:. .. .. .'''. .~---, '.---.,-' " -." DISTRICTS .,;{ 7r:; . Year Flit No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO SALE PRICE! Rd. Soh. Port PUD FPO I(!jj) - - ",2 112943 Lawrence Gosser 2 M A ..L 2 L C 1>'- (J,h l&-w",m ~ ~ (l#"Fh/Fl-lid. d' l/)d~ -;: ,7'l:"c' I at- U2. .lL ...L L ~ c... .L ~ <>t3.s?5' / If 7/.. -fJfl '1' / fJ , ) ~'" rr;;- fl7 , - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ----~------~----------------------_._~~-.;~-~-~--~~~-~--~-.---------~---~-.~' NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS Year Oyster Timber UnImproved Improved TOTAL Oyster Timber UnImproved Improved Improvements B.of E. (Buildings) VALUE 6L .31. 64 3/;;4- .t.JO 6 30 LI.. / ~ ~ ,7;1'/J 790 7/fJ tP<:lo ~IoA J /,;J'70 /,.;>70 7n ~ ,--, " I -f"J'/ 7/ ~. / -0 .~ / ~ - -I- , LOT BlK. . ~ , - "-'--. - --- .. , ! SEC. TWN. RGE. .- ----r>-- ,... 1 "y-~.-..-.~... . r . . , r 1 ----~ "'--.---~ ....~. .. , .. '- . . -~- .. ,,~ .. ....;.}. ,. ". Beginning at a point on the meander line which is N 43044' E from the meander corner to Sec 6-22-1 and Sec. 1-22-2; thence N 44048' E 10.41 chains; thence N 1009' E 9.72 chains; thence N 38051' E 5.63 chains; thence N 15.92 chains; thence W 11.07 chains; thence S 37.41 chains to pl.ee of beginning. ..., "s_-. ~.".- - --- - , Year FII. No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS r:1 _~J /, I SALE PRiCe Rd, 5ch.' Porl PUD 1.1!Q.. , - I~-./_n I Feoples Nat. .Bank, Trustee rOl \)~bv- et a. b ~ 70 Sam B. Theler Estate D.L.carlisle 2 ~03 A 3 2 L 1 #23589 ~~/'/2Y fir r I.t/d IA .':5 L m .1... #v7;;J"'~- ;;.. 5/so 3171)//7 I JJ.dL / ~d-d 1#1 5'l2l/5tJ-' // J). 'L>' ,i.,u_l/:. ,ifc::;... I ~...---~..-..,.. ._- . ~e.. .. .' .'. ~.:. ~=,~--. W-;:;- '1:7 -If::'''.;'': ... -- NUMBER OF ACRES I V ALUA liONS Year Oystlf Timber Unimproved Improved TOTAL I Oyster Timber Unimproved 1 mproV8d Impl'ovemenh' B. of E. (Buildings) VALUE a ~/C - 17b L-J<I b.~t/ I~, ~/()J 7.,:( 3/t) ;:Iv 0 1L J/1 ~-9 fa.zo ~CJ 77 I- " - ~./- c 79 I. .:;l. (/ &'.;2.0 l.5v h' ,.~ - . , t;. lrlr /':/ FJ.€ ~ ri !') V'h b0~S7/j /-r~ , ~ ~. . , ,. . LOT BLK. - -'- , [J.~.r.~ '-LIITJ SEC. TWN. R.... , . . , , , , ./ ,-. .....' . , . ~,~, . ',....- .. " .,-, .~-"'~'~ That portion o~ ~ollow1ng described tidelands lying Sly o~ a line prodllced Wly from a point being 620' S o~ BE corner of Govt Lot 3: Beginning at a point on meander line which is N 43044' E 43.39 chaine from the .meander corner to 6-22-1 & 1-22-2; thence N 44048' E 10.41 chains; thence N 1.09' E 9.72 chaine; thence H 38051' E 5.68 chains; thence H 15.92 chains; thence W 11.07 chains; thence S 37.41 chains to I.P. tJ-,'---,"'~lt\~'~Ii'!. t .~..'.~ ~"","tJ",........__ . . --oj ... .....~ J~ ~,...Lu ~I'" ~ ?~~~ ~~j -L--V~ Rv-Lc.,) -~ <.--Y~.. &"'.,,'..,......A ~ --<.--Y ~ /1 __'--'/ /'Y, ,.:~ ..?&>/-/.:>.,/ -,.4.J 71CL~...u-..J-<:I ~. Q