HomeMy WebLinkAbout122061200010 Vu, File No. NAME of OWNER DISTRICTS .;? 'i b SALE PRICE' Rd. Soh. Port PUDIFPD Ih)/: ---- 5Se U 2 ..li A 1 2 L C IJ}() jtf I ./ 2 01 A 1 2 L C LR/S::!/?..i"P/ ~fl.'Jjl'.,f" M It.I db DD - tL.L)#:<.? u !? / ..L dalB. ..L~ L~ ..L CONTRACT TO 52 108902 Pope & Talbot Inc. ~ j0 ;/031 'ji~" 305141 --I- I- --- ------ -- --'...:..'::_'~-~ ---'-------------'- ~-~---:-:--'---=:- '"._~ --------~-- V..r Oyster NUMBER OF ACRES I Timber U"lmgrov.ct Imllroved TOTAL O1,"r 1.86 1.86 . 1.86 3.92 40 /. Pi. 3.12 ~ O/t % VALUATIONS ---21. 57 2.06 ~.t2. ?of. ..610. ~ ~~.o~ * fJ 7'1 dO G, i'1 'l:J-- :u (, Timber I U.lm,,,,'od 'nlgrov.ct Imgroveme"u B.ofE. (Bulldln".) VALUE 200 200 200 300 540 /, Od ,Rt, 39';< 1/lO'''X, /,00 , xG ~ 92 [1l7.,,,-1 0.nt~ /.0 0 [U. "''Iv ~{7cJ .fJ<?t? &'"<;0 ,;;~ 37S ~.:zs- 5110 ?,5/J /..71621 /",/-f> tso /'7M ~f;$O'O' ISO 0 ~o -2 n n n /.5" 0 _:<J -500 I_<? D 0,0 -e /5000 ~O()/J --b .:l ()~O 35""001':; 3.s-",,,,,,, LOT sa:. BLK. TWN. ROE. Jl 'Ji?;O:~/ .:51(\I?~O./ \0\ " ", .'" , , , . 'f",_c-.",:.~~-."",:'>.(\~~-: ~',."-. -..~,....-,_,," "~'.-.'. _..'_ Beg at a point on E line of Lot 2 where the same intersects the Nly"R W,\, line of St. Rd. #14 (Navy Yard Hy) said point of beg being N 0014'30" E....., 252.2', more or less, from the SE corner of Lot 2 (marked by an iron ~o t), th N 0014'30" E along E line of Lot 2 1067.8', more or less, to NE co er . of Lot 2; th W along N line of Lot 2 100'; th S 2021'30" E 1110.30', ore' or less, to Nly margin of St. Hy. at a point thereon 65,.10' SWly from I.P.; th N 50016' E.along Nly line of Hy. 65.10' to point of beg. Also O.L. front of above desc. Note: Formerly known as, Tr. 6 of lot 2 Tax. 392 D ~~.--~-_._- --_.~