HomeMy WebLinkAbout122061170430 Year File No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS v:i7c; SALE PRICE Rd. Soh, Port PUD FPD IJJr: /.,. I -( Kr.w~ 1M, - - <;2 84964 pUQ"et Mill r.o. /1:r~ 2 ~ .A l ~ JL C f-L / ) - L/-5w / ~G, - ~ -2 "(d.3. .IL L L (j L U;; ,3oSQ-f1 ; ~f!"-", (J J11h I J, ~.p Ol - .:11<11'$:<9 .J ;If }{ V' S', ..L 1Il..;i .it .3.. 2 L U:L .L - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ----~.--~-~~~~~----------------------~~~~~~~----~::-----~----~--~~- --- -. s- NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS Year Oyster Timber Unimproved Improved TOTAL Oyster Timber Unimproved Improved Improvements B. orE. (BuildIngs) VALUE IJ)}.- /4 .7'/ ~~ '70 ,1:1. ...16 b.- //tJ //tJ ?~ ~ 7' .2.20 ~,;Z~ i "7~ ~~ MO ?f' /110/. /'eJi1:d / (tM 0 h lOGO )Dao 11 ((}O6 1000 g~ J1x~ /w....;:?~ /Doo , LOT 8lK. , rj(;u.;z:hT~: iiI7(JIt.M?r7j , SEC. TWN. RGE. - .. " -, - -, ~ l ,,--.,..- - .' "_"c- ~..:~ c.''''''~' i>erl QOOFl All tlof the 2nd e lying between the ln of mean low tide & the ln of extreme low tide I in front of lots 1& 2 see 6-22-1 with 48.59 chs -- .-----------....--_~ --.- ~~-_.~~--- i$o Ex. 7443 A 7 3 B Year File No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT/OOD DISTRICTS SALE PRICE! Rd, Soh. Port PUO FPO fir;. - - - - <;2 ;{f;/ ~S7 Oi.Jc;b 7 I, N 7ii7J l0... c ". Jf/3Ef'/'3 Blanch B. Bell ,$' 2 .Ji l ..2. .L... ?,O"'~d, iT ",L 4'", /i --3.- ..L L ~ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ----4IIE~~:~-~-~-~--------------------------~------:--------------------------=~'~ NUMBER OF ACRES V ALUA TlONS y", 0",,, 1 Tlmb" Unimproved Improved TOTAL Oy.ter I Timber Unimproved Improved Improvements B.afE. (Building.) VALUE .:2 30 "sJ..! I;;', c,? .e" :2.<30_ /~/ -'.-. --: 1 , , , LOT BLK. , - SEC. TWN. ROE. , - - " ' - j - ~. f-7"'""V""'~- , , ~: . .. '> - ',' ..l;", "" ." , -.-- ' . - ~-; -~-~-""--..": ..~, ~cpp 9381 All tl of the 2nd e in front of lt 5 & 6 except the N 208 ft of lt 5 ~ see 6-2~-1 with frontage of 26.63 lc mil ~~. - ---.-------- -~~-....... * Tax 985 A 7' I Pt. assessed with Trs. (39,40:42,43,44 & 4~ Year File No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS SALE PRICE Rd, Sch, Port PUO FPO - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -_._~._----_._~-----_._-------------------~-----------------------~-----------------*~_._- NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS Year Oyster Timber Unimproved Improved TOTAL Oyder Timber Unimproved Improved Improvements B.ofE. (BuildIngs) VALUE I. 7..2/. ;I ~ ~~/;-, :t (I" . , LOT BlK. . - . --. --, -._- V I - " I - . 1 rrITTI SEC. TWN. RGE. I' 'I l I I I ._~_.-- . :.~- in . , ., ~, . -~~-~-- 1'-~"""'.-----.--,....---:......... -}'to' 0381 In front of lt 4, see 1-22-1 with frontage 17.21 le it being understood & provided that the S & the W doundary ln of tl in front of lt 4 shall be the S & the W ln of the vae St Oy R in front of the lot .~ , Y.., Flit No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS d?7/- ; SALE PRICE' Rd. S<h, Port PUD l I()j) - I "2 Mary E. Theler 2. .45- ..A --3- C c F.2213 Samuel B. Theler r n ? ~ .dL L L 1<- &C: 1.1.t/.11o 12 .IF ~(, I ,j:li/ rP.:t fa /J ',/J !lCl3 Ll. .3 ~L (!,. I /7f"sc. ,.:!:JYOY"'I ty'73575 <-.,t'o <. l'W:;. f.o 7:21,.:2. clt( AY~ .J~L - - - I- - - :"177 031 /!~ J/ .L d13. iL .3 2.. L ';J{ ( 6k - ~/UJ (2,,,,,/>/ \ t./A/r ~roRE 11/0/ ~..z=-...:12- - - I- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - , ' - - - - - - -_. a--'--- ~.~---, --- - - --- - --- - -- ----- - ------- ;-: - --; -- -- - -- ~----~ --------':.::-----~:~-- -~, I NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS Year Oyater Timber Unlmprovld Improved TOTAL Oyster Timber UnImproved Improved Improvemenh B. of E. (Buildings) VALUE .">1- 7 ~;J 7'Lj.{) J9)J /L/.o LJ:. .::: ~ /:15 17'5" "7~ ,.;; ,& 3.50 35t"J I,;l, 31t> -770 2!/- /"0"1. 7'/0 '7 qLO lnu /I-( (, 7<-fO 7r 7 >-fj T-fo ~ , ~ ~~ ~ - ' ' i , 7/.>, I?' ~",a., /' T C~ '-' -'/ .L_ .7;')" ....;0. ~ , , LOT BLK. ~ r , ~~..... ~ ~ SEC. TWN. RGE. -.--.-- . rt-r=::TiIJ'JIqJ, -. " . ., (-- . - <,-'--- ~,-;..;.; " ,-~~:-..t--:"-.... -_--.--=--~- ;:,'T" _ ~ T App 9855 That portion of the tl of the 2nd c in front of lot 3, sec 6,-22-1 including part of the vac Clifton St Oy R Bgn at the SW corner of lot 3 & rng thn N 460 45' W to a pt on the ~E ln of an Oy tr thn N 250 20' E along SE ln of the Buding tr to the most Ely pt of tract thn SEly 5.80 chs mil to an angle pt in the Ely ln of Oy R on the W ln of an Oy tr thn S along W ln of the Bell tr 2.67 ch mil to the NW ln of lot 3 thn SWly along NW ln of lot 3, to pt of bgn ,~,.- ... . . -- - -_. -- - - ---~.~~, 4"F (~L/.5L6" ~~ .po.-H- ~~..-..../ -e..--V--4 ro/&-4 .....d'~~J ~ ~ ..",.J~ ~~; ",q t 7- /1:' t'",-,~ _ dU</.2</~ '7I&<-t..1&<-<.J/J ~. a. Yur File No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS c,;; /. ;, SALE PRiCe Rd, Sch. Port PUO FPO UlJ> - - - - - - <;2 Sam B. Theler 2 lU. -A 3- ..2. .L.. .c. [, I" fI\ p ~ z'Ll ..fL. 3.. .,l... :/ (0 ...L 70 d..,'./09 ~6':'" A.k;r. ,':) a/"/' ).LY.~' 1/ / ~;,d;,1, ~. irA' P ~3~.f''1 .2c,/ 1/.2 sf -<- r.L ~~ ~ P'n'" // ,/ 5'& --;;)~ /: f1nh.t~/O~ ..,..1- aI J - - - - :-- - ~7765r, J'( / !i!J. LL. .3 L L "di ( M, dO/?(l/?/1/A" ~~/Nr ~N7UJe~ ""'" ff t7/" -51 - - - - - - ?'4Z72 -7c11 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ----~~---------_._-------------~;~-------------------------------------------------~~----. NUMBER OF ACRES V ALUA nONS Year Oyster Timber Unimproved Improved TOTAL Oyster TImber UnImproved Improved Improvements B. of E. (BuildIngs) VALUE ~r ,p ./0 t..;f(J .2~ ;:<Od ~L ::;, bi: dlf7tJ .;($0 11'1l ~ ~ 5~1!J $,ptp 1~ 1It1 5 ~:r I '1'<1 IM:I, j?/O '8/0 77 (~/) /? I :) 11. Jru g(O ,~). -e- ..,.q.. c~~ //... ?~ - T ,;-r L-/-" " ~ / T /;1 ,r L :::; '-- ,,:.... -c lOT BLK. ... , '- - I SEC. TWN. RGE. .----. " , . I rrrT' I I , , i I . .. .!_-- , -, .. . -).--,.,., . -'.....~F~'"--:'...---~~.., :;';.;"'~~-- qlt55 ~----'~_.., - -----.~~, ,UdL {1J~ ,-""V'-"-7 /?oL~ ~O-., L /-Z'L>-?<J .....0/ ~~ ?o-f'c--..'/ ~c.<-,. ,I...../.su-,..... -c..-V ~ /L ,.., t<,., ~ --/ u.... ,{, / s '-"'-- -<- V ~ ,L c...- "'7 ,d?~( dC-I </.:V -..,.0 /i U--c-' ,<~ d2.J Q;