HomeMy WebLinkAbout121307500070 , / -;::;- File No -r---. . NAME of OWNER -~ONTRACT TO DISTRICTS /5'-< SA.LE PRICE ... ISCh. I P"rt PUD I fPO I I -3253'48 . 324566 -I , - lOn, .3ZCl.l4L ~Qr.....J:I. A. r.(w .Ir I 02 3 5 L H #49632 I~L ! ?,.,1)( In5.3.. O\TlO() I!~ ,Jv,."f~ I~,:,..,r". 71.1 1,:11: E3:r .:;.::2.280- -. I-- 5S0S: 1/&'0 9k. ,-m J , , 'Jl I' ~'70 <'" 38.2D7'1 /00 ~dO %; 1/3h<N c~ ..J/? - . ~ff Iff) .3 S- .L ;-f r..:; ~, .. ---- ~-~-- -- !J)56n - f----- ' . . . .. ..." :~, , , 1''1- ---'13 " Y." I 0".., NUMBER OF ACRES I VALUATIONS ' , TImber Unimproved ImproYed TOTAL Oydw Timbu Unimproved Improved Improvlm.nt1 B. of E. (Bvildin9') VALUE 76 'J,q~ .2107 .5.00 IIJ'20 IIS2t:J 7>1 c;: tJ 0 .5 tJd ":{I-/.<:"'. .3'1500 23. 5'1000 :? $LO~d IZLj 57tJC)CJ /3000 7tJOOo . - . - -- ---. - - LOT BLK. 5 tp'" V 7" 2--1P Y _()~(f SEe. TWN. RGo. , '. '~L~ . ", .' " . . 'l....... .. ",.' , .. .. ' .. . .. ,.,. .~o., .. , - -~- . --,,';"~' - -....,....'~.- -. ~.~~-~" ~,- Ciji" ';r,:'/'f (Tract I of Survey Vol. 2, pg 65 - AF# 318309) ..-cc',,,. Commencing at the northwest corner of Govt Lt I in Sect. 30-21-IW, W.M.; thence east along the north I ine of said Lot I, 158.52 feet to the true point of beginning; thence 5 150 36' 04" E, 1,291.25 feet to the meander I ine of Lot I; thence along the meander line 5 540 43' 24" West, 33.44 feet; thence 5 730 18' 14" W, 303.93 feet to the east line of the west five acres of sa i d Govt Lot I; thence I eav i ng the meander line N 0 i 0 13' 25" West, along the east I ine of the west five acres of Govt Lt I, 1,350.61 feet to the true point of beginning. .. _~~'~L ~~ ~//:;; t...; L ".4 -e;:r C'-A.' ~ (!....c.~ '~#I ;NIC , I /)-j. C"',,, jr f',' . C t2.tJDJ ,.1 l \ ..., _" ;"t....- .... , .. '" (Jt/T ~'Y r/?;?'#48/f999 ro ~7.e ,.C!..-;/9 Vear Fila No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS liS- SALE PRICE R.. Soh. Port PUD FPD - - - - 52 ~~l(n: i' ~earson H'TH nt. } 1 02 2- L - - -- - - ,I;,t. /.>! ~ f.3 vA/~"i 7 ~A.(~J. r;, - - - (cO I%.s-.;uf ft~ A 1._. /~.' 0, f./. #.!J 7Js'pl; 7 - - - - - - ~~'~~ it: '" f/' (/ / / y(/ o. (7...... tJ.. ;(/Y?-77 .r. /' - - - - I-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ... ' .. . _._-.. --.-, .. ~-=-~-====--~-~-=-==~~~--==-;~===--~---~------~=----- ~- """ NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS Ylar Oysbr Timber UnImproved Improvad TOTAL Oyster Timber I UnImproved Improved Improvemen\l 8.ofE. (BuildIngs) VALUE n...... ;'111 Le R/J ,?O ""- .,;// ~ /fltJ /~O .....:.:=" -~-:::..... , LOT elK. - " ,~ , ",.j/ ;,'. ;..;..r,' J'" ' ..t;;., " SEC. TWN. ROE. d '. 1"'1'-'''-'' , I , , ~.- -'! . .. :~-, ,..' ~_o. ., ~~ :"",; ^' ,- .' .. ,-. . ., ~ r_~.~,u,. >.,'.~' App 10897 That portion of the tl of the 2nd c in front of lot 1 see 30-21-1 lying NEly of a line which runs S 350 54'E &; N 350 54' W through an angle pt in the govt ml which is S 130 E 0.17 chs N 740 30' E 7.18 chs &; N 540 06' E 13.25 chs along the govt ml from the mc on the W line of see 30 with a frontage of 15.34 Ie mil ~ _....-..~:;' . . . ~-~ . > ft- J <<J~ f <L,;- en"~ Lv Y" c...{ -r;P U C1- <.:t/ _ /I /It:-6y~ //1.... \;,21'l~ ~ "_' ./ ..<A " n""-?\J fUYr/; CZ"c'& '^"'''''~t- .;f .//.-..~ h", . ...jT! ,(./ ~ ./~f c.<,~ 4. ,: f(. ,)" .. /1 . -rLA..I't-tt-t-:", / !t._t.(....(.../ If /\ f. '-J_.' li--Jrv a.~,,- ?;V~ FkU P ( A' "- "-,-"'.,.- ct&-\" I