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Y.., Fill No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS xc? SALE PRICE' Rd. So., Port !PUO[FPD - -1-- - - 52 I~^ '7)..-/ " Bruce Bartow _'l1 MA 1 54 G 3 3 L SFP ri'=- ,h7. /,/ ,-; W.. {J 'h. _/7 ' of'c, ~ ':7 ?':t.2f- - /<?""'~.. ;;,1/ b'1f'%~ c;t,~......,) Jk"( t! ,,/~t1 .I ft'- " ,- //<:'o!,- - - I-- - - - JW.. !/Z7b42 0--Af.L, j4/LL;N<; ,=;"/lL., \/m~ - r-- ~$97 N/) - - - - - - - - - I - - - - - - - -- I-- - - - - - - - - - - - - ----~---------------------------------------~----~--~-~---------------- -,.._~ --- l--=_ .." NUMBER OF ACRES r- VALUATIONS y", Oyltlr Tlmblr Unlmprovld Improved TOTAL Oydlr Timber I U"m...." Improv~ Improvement. B. of E. (BuildIngs) VALUE .2 5.0C 5.00 100 100 ..f& 10 (J Jod (,(" 30 7tJO ?,SCJ ilL ::1- ::-z 3S [?7.s- 'IN) ~ 3~() :;(. 00 5:cJCJ 35 ';;;;7.5 .2,t~S" 311 9S 2fL , ~Z 7/'l 75iJ <C7~O '';;/l9n .. ZL 7.s- '760 /0 '?/9{) / //....::J.c: . ;13 ;( .. 6"",:9 ~,</.;;! 5tJ() '/.s- 9(,5 .I~c<Jt;lc /S1J63 2!1- 160% /q <'0 ~o~r. 300(0 .:;zE. ~e::; J C),r" j{;:.r)J .3 c,~~ I () ,13 Ie/A". /,,,,, , if9,;),!:,-(j JY-Y(j /c...<:.J , , LOT BLK. I , '.- lEG, TWN. RGE. fiEVf/i.:a , , '" ",-i,.'i";~, L, .. . _ i .,." ,;."."'--' . .-" ~ J.. , .' .. - . ",._r"~.>!,_,, .,. ~.'''''',.~' !T-' "^"-" Beg at a point which is 746.46' S & 637.56' W of see corner common to sees 7, 8, 17 & 18-21-1; th E 263.34'; th S to govt meander line; th along govt meander line S 470~5' W 238.92'; th S 77030' W 88.44'; th N to the point of beg containing 5 acres, more or less. ex. R/W for public road 20' in width along the N boundary. .' Note: ormerly known as Tr, 10 of g~ of lot 1 ~ ..:~ /:;rfi~: &,'}tj /.. / J'ku. /11 j///.-L~A/':; - ;le)v )r"",1,ICOI ';. ,f",::L.LI/' Gt'//v'T"I.rkCJ7H-,-t/!//;/