HomeMy WebLinkAbout121181100010 NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS t,) SALE PRICS Yllr Fill No. PUD I FPD Rd, So,. Port - 116677 !t:) oD - - - - 52 Cameron Bruce Miner 1 ~ G ..L .3_ L S p-f - - f-- - - - - - f-- - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ------ . - - - --~-..._--- ------------~~~~~------=------------- __~.l>-~ , NUMBER OF ACRES r- VALUATIONS =.7- 5'..2.. Vllr Oyst.r Tlmbv UnlmJl,rovecl Improved TOTAL Oy,tlr Tlmblr I U"mp",..d Improved ImDrov.menb B.ofE. (Buildings) VALUE .....li l2.8e 12.80 155 155 't;'l 3.23 .C. l2.8e 12.80 30 155 185 -2l! l2.8e 12.80 155 155 E- la-a- /090 J ",. ;;- M 7tfD ~-J..3. 0 /c2. ' f( if 7,F J,I~o /ao (;,~;5" k 7.5?) 5:'10 !;;(.fo 75 <!-3D /70 t.7S- Co? 3/0 ?5 <;/30 -LZo '1,fS- -"- ~ 3'}tJ '7t1 -"J 7" (J .:?/~ /.:?.30 1:1. 39CJ ~ :=;-f/o ,;;( /0 /.3bC; .u.... / /1, ,~11 ::!.:=t () /"J CJ/J 39CJ ./!?/S /5</5 o2/c!) '3</tO ZL :;;, <17 ???o ...dUz.df:1. q tJ 9CJ 9'.20 ({; '}.20 "-D- ~ " <;'] 6L/.:<o <YdCl bR</o 2L bfL';U; ydY:3 G9'o (1 ~ 7,.?o ~&..2,,>" 5'"? 3D Lj,fJo 7(,/5> .1:f /4.5 39'-10 7g>b 0 4CPo - ,/~., ~"'''.5 . -c..j-' ~ ~ ~ ~;) LOT BLK. , 0 1- p (: /<9.;lc::s, ; "-~, .' ';.':'~ - ,- ..,. -"', :-;~,.' ......~"'--"' .~-:. --;' -"'" -.' .-~".~:-"."."---:<'c''- "'~~.~}"_ ...,'.-----, ","c,' , ~., ,--F!'; '."" Beg at a point on the N boundary of Lot 1, 13.66 chains W of the NE corner' of Sec. 18-21-1; th W along N boundary line of Lot 1, 7.58 chains to NW corner of Lot 1; th S on the line between Lots 1 & 2, 11.75 chains; th E, 4.82 chains; th S parallel with the W boundary of Lot 1 about 14.31 chains to the. meander line in front of Lot 1; th N 77030' E 2.82 cha' along the meander line; th N to point of beg, containing 12.80 acres,m/l. Note: Formerly Tr. g of lot 1 ";~ "'. ~--~ 1 l "\ "'-. ------ ---.-.--- ,. , --~- -- -~- .~~ ~- f:" '1. \ I I I I I I I I e .. - . . 'e -. ..../ 0",... NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS !".J'rJ Timber Unimproved Improvld TOTAt. Oyster T1mblt Unimproved Improved Impfov.rnlnh .. of E. IBulldlnQI) VALUli '1J / j , /.. 1/;:> .~O ' _;Z 7~ /,-::;7 :J/,; 9(,/'J ~I,/S?d -, t~) 00 C3.3-i~, 9~_J :,J /<:""-6) /- n 7~ I. t: . , 55!!!(, /9'-' ' S-;03() - . .' _v 63 "'/,/,'{) I 'J "Or) .?3.,,?l.,n (; ;:) ~. , .