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~--;;:::-T---._._- I DISTRICTS ,
Rd. Sch.I!-:lrf PUO! fPD , I
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11;4 29~ 369 Robert F. Ellison et ux . J. Bollen 1 54 Ii 3 3 L H #41938
8/75 etiiI 1F448b2
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Year Orster Timber I Unimproved Improved TOTAL Oyster Timblr Unimproved Improvld ImprOYlmenh B. of E.
(BuildinQs) VALUE
15- .75 .75 7500 7500
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FORMERLY: Tract [9 of G,L.8 & G.L.5 5-21-1 & Tax 547-C-1 ,/.
All that ptn of Govt Lt 5, Section 5 and Govt Lt 8, 8-21-1W, W.M., daf:
,Commenci-ng at the meander cor between sd Sections 5 & 8, on the W side of Stretch IsL,
whJ:ch is a 3/4"iron pipe;th N 890 58' 39" E alg the .Section line between sd 8ections 5
& 8, 593.63'_; th N 450 54' 06" W 58.40'; th S 640 23' 58" W 65.00' to FOB of tr of land
hereby described; th continue S 640 23' 58" W 54.02'; th S 370 34' 53" E 186.23' + -
to the E line of sd G'ovt Lt 8; th S 000 15' 07" W, alg 'the sd E line of sd Govt Lt 8,
32.61'; th N 37034' 53" WI08.96'; th N 580 ~6'58" W 450', +-, to the meander line;
th NEly alg sd meander line, 150' + -,. to a_point which is N 510 42' 50" W of the
FOB; th S 510 42' 50" E 370', + -, to l?013EXCEPrING therefrom road r/w;
ALSO all t/l of 2nd cTass,. formerly owned by State of Washington, lying -above the line
of mean low- tide,si-1tuate Ho, adj to or abutt upon the above descr upland, & lyiI)g_
between the E~y-~-Wly lines thereof extended.
j~~~..!f~h~!"ir::P.l-a~ 1-160 - -A:F#305042-)-
(Tract A of Short Plat #1003)
That pt of GL 5, Section 5, & GL 8, Section 8, all in 21-IW.W,M., daf: Commencing
at the meander corner between sd Sect. 5 & 8 on the W side of Stretch 151, which is
3/4 in, iron pipe; th N 890 58' 39" E alg the Sec. I ine between sd Sections 5 & 8,
593,63'; th N 450 54' 06" W 58,40'; th S 640 23' 58" W i 19,02'; th S 370 34' 53" E
17,73' to TPOB; th continuing S 370 34' 53" E 168,50' +- to the E i ine of sd GL 8;
th S 000 15' 07" W alg sd Eline of sd GL 8 32.61'; th N 370 34' 53" W 108,96';
th NEly alg sd meander line 75' +- tap which bears N 550 12' [0" W from TPOB; th
S 550 12' 10" E 370' +- to TPOB,
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Julian D. Porter et ux rim.
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