HomeMy WebLinkAbout121087590042 ~;--;;;:---l---.--' NAME of OWNER 3CJt/o ~-"". CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS ,'-I' , SALE PRICE Rd, 5ch.I1."rt PUD I fPD I I -f--- - ~/74 294704 ,llobert F. Ellison et ux G. A. Nutter 1 54 G 3 3 L H HU685 I~F5""f eruJ( $l~~U57- 1L12 04823... ~m-f1H.I. Kenneth M. -Hro Ies I()h~ 3:1)011 .& iJ" ,," } ~fYy ) ..JP.Lo.I5 , '7 , ---- ----- r' - -- . ---"-- .~ NUMBER OF ACRES I VALUATIONS Ylar Oyder TImber Unimproved Impro'f'ld TOTAL Oyder Timblr UnImproved Improvld lrnpro"em.nh B. of E. (Buildin9~1 VALUE 75 ntU .44 .45 .89 3790 3790 7/, 1/506 J/..fotJ 77 13tJOtJ ",)15".50 3;.I.5'SO 7K Lj I' L/ :;- P9 .:z'!SrJl. ,;)~fS{) SO fS'O , f J'3 .3..3S0C: ::,~g~6 70300 fL - eN , 'Is- 8'1 33.5:"0 " lj 3 'ftJo 7t, ~c)CI - .. - . I- ..' .. . Li if) i.:1' J I ~ sr 1. s;-tKlJ<: t1"uB LOT ILK. i sec. TWN. OGlE. .-,'.-,' ,..,., ,. 1 , ..., :1r~:crr.":<t'-l_&;~&Y$t~I.ll8llftYilfJ l1i,,::.......,~,.;~ ..."'__:;:~:::; ......~ ~ -. ~..'- "'-'-"OltM!RLY: fHit-'22 of G~t.9 & G.L.S 5~21:'1'tax 547 B-3 (Tr. 3 of Short Plat #94 - AP# 295836) ~- All that ptn of Govt Lot 5, Section 5, and Govt Lot 9, 8-21-1, daf: Commencing at the meander cor between sd Sections 5 & 8 on the W side of Stretch Isl. which is a 3/4" iron pipe; th N 890 58' 39" E alg the section line between sd Sections 5 & 8, 1033.06' to POB of tr of land hereby described; th S 030 17' 42" W 380.54'; th S 870 31' 32" W 52.37'; th N 000 25' 46" W 620', + -, to Meander line; th SEly 100' + - tap which is N 30 17/ 42" E from POB; th S 30 17'42"W 205' + -, to POB, excepting therefrom road rights-of-way; said land being also known & described as Tr 3 of Short Plat No. 94, recorded 12-6-74 AP# 295386; Also all tidelands of the second-class, formerly owned by the State of Washington, lying above the line of mean low tide, situate in front of, adjacent to or abutting upon the above described upland, and lying easterly of the westerly line thereof extended. ~. _. - - - - - ~---~~~ .', [a..Q..l' .2/g-J/'-f ~1 ,)' oJ ,