HomeMy WebLinkAbout121084390240 y.~-r-FI1' Ne> - r--M-..'---------NAME of O'^:~-_u-I-.. CONTRACT TO D_~~~ICTS :/ -') 10/,,40;30V""''' -Cy Credit UUnn lLLJX)--i:"'~ .;f~ L i H . ~?~~~~~~~-d )J~___:----.----= --__ -l=~=!-I. t ~ ~-- SA.lE PRICE' If''U'<:1'' QCD !tr;c?/~ -_._--~---_.. -- - I I v.+-o..... . NUMBER OF ACRES Timber ! Unimproved Improved TOTAL I. VALUATIONS '. Oyster Timber Unimproved Impr::lved Improvements I (Buildlngs) B. of E. VA.lUE !t f-----f----- ~ < J .5/ 5J L/ (J 7C' ":;7 <;~__ </tJ70 JP5'5" 15/ t 1--.- 1--- -.----- --I---- ---.-----.- ---------1--- -1------- - I .'d-- ----. L,_' _____!__ L j I i --- ----1----- ------ -- LOT BlK. SEC. TWN. RGE. " '. e.._ ....21 '-~ , , , ! ~/~]1916!.:;2.WIL Tract 24 of GoytLq:t;...:> -,', - ',-, -''''~- . j /- Tract B of SP# 250 That ptn of GJvt IDt 5, 8-21-1 W.W.M., Maosn County, Wa. DI\F: Beg at the ffii =mer of said See 8; N 00001'57" W 349.80'1 W 672.06', + -, to the Ely r/w line of the Stretch Island County Rd.; N 18046' 07" E alg the Ely r/w line of said Stretch Island Co. Rd., 394.19'1 N 89056'48" E 98.45' to the TPOB of tract DI\F: Continuing N 890-56'48" E 100.00'1 S 31050'48" E 164.32', + -, to the Wly r/w line of the Sund Rd. SWly alg said Wly r/w line to a point which is S 18017'14" E fran the TPOB: N 18017'14" W 218.20 ft, + -, to the TPOB. EXCEPTING THEREFRI::!1 public rd., if any. ---. .-- Y..r File No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS SALE PRICE! Rd. 8ch. Port !PUD!FPD ------ - - - -- - - - - - - - - - I- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -1- - - - -- -. - - - - - - - - - -- - - - -- - -- - - -I ----..~-~- ~- - ~- - --_: ----- ---_...._~ ---; - - - - -- - -- --_._- - ---- - -- --- - --'-'~- ------ --~:;::.:.. ~'~._-~- NUMBER OF ACRES I VALUATIONS Vur Oyster Tlmblr UnlmprOVld Improved TOTAL Oyster Timber Unimproved Improvtd Improvemenh B.ofE. (Buildings) VALUE . - , LOT BlK. -~._. .- i'\ SEC. TWN. RGE. I , . I ~ , I I , , I 'J j '. -... ... m. - .~. / "' .' ;.,> ';";- .,.. ,', "~f.:i;:ti~ '-__. C" . ~ '.