HomeMy WebLinkAbout121082400090 ... Year File No. NAME of OWNER 70 Theodore Christensen Sr. 10 bi5-.3'o f',;? nJ,.j ). ~ . /u. j a :u v .~~ '. ., NUMBER OF ACRES Year Oyster Timber Unimproved Improved TOTAL 70 17.1 1'7') ;(. // /.,.p~V ~7C. ~,9t. ,3.'7c "}L/ 1'1~ 1fl 19 I f(b _)t?6 nc,S 61 C!:.J~/.~:i"'n. 1// K3 !'I 3.9(~ 3.". 2, bh 3,00 /. 74 J/.:;;)~ c; sO {;",9) &',5,) -' lOT BlK. " , SEC. TWN. RGE. -'"'" . ,J: .-~'" n ;.,." CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS Jf1 I SALE PRICE PUI:!!--E!Q.. , 31 3 J'f21968 L H $17000 ,-- -#2,1969 / Rd.~,port J.D.PBwell 1154 G lfj AUIJiD / I-- -I-- ~-- "". .~ ,'. .,..-......--..~ I I Oyster ~-P:: VALUATIONS Ilrnp"ovements I (Buildings) B.ofE. VALUE Timber Unimproved Improved fL;2 0 '700 (J 95/~ 0 ?? 1J.5/J ,5J 0$0 I/.,?/lo:(/l '7,;(7.<' /9.2. 7.5- I~L/oijo /<lS:-,,0 3R0'10 _ '" "'.' /a-=-o -;/.bi/l D ==<J"~.s-.::7 .- {:.11.2CJ . ':(\':'<;J.r, 27/.. 7~ 1.5crOD ., ~- - 54/-56 ~'H'7.c) ~y....,,) c;3c..2S 1..?9'/7S' 33t.S"o h5/-'.5'"' '115"<:;' S75'Sc; i''l/.;2.s- 11///'0') t.50~O /0165,;} /00% I /";ti '110 : I""" 11 01 <l !J..J.J/ '0' 01 ('\01 -c- " , , ._.....,c<" r-- -'"',~""" 1'<":-.,..0:....__".." ~< ' -= --'":~".".._'~., S 111.6' of N 261.6' Df GDvt Lot 2 ALSO: Beginning at a pDint Dn the W line of Govt LDt 2 that lies S 00002'48" Wa distance of 261.60' frDm the NW corner thereDf; thence N 89054'27" E for a distance Df 608'; thence S 67017'36" E fDr a distance Df 152.85', more or less, to line of mean high tide; thence NEly alDng line of mean nigh tide tD a pDint Dn the N line Df Govt LDt 2; thence S 89054'27" W along said N line for a distance of 1070', more or less, to NW oorner of Govt LDt 2; thence S 00002'48" Walong said W line 261.60' tD LP. "';"'. .',.~-. ~..,.........""~ Year File No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS dO I SALE PRICE R~I;:": PU~!..EQ...I , 70 Theodore Christensen Sr. 'H;-.~ ~ 3 L H I #21969 , J .D.Powell .lohn D p~,.'a" 0+ ooV I'"~ '~~"rl d..... 5/70 251025 f-- - f-- - - - 1I?IOnO I L - I I I I - - ------~_...~-~- ,. . .- .. "."-' "--~ 7~-,*H J; ~orr:-..' ,t " "';'1;'''- .. ~ ' "'~I< .(.-t,'lt,,'r_~~. NUMBER OF ACRES I I VALUATIONS , Year Oyster Timber Unimproved Improved TOTAL I Oyster Timber Unimproved I Improved I Improvements I B.ofE. (Buildings) VALUE 70 /'00 .7'Q /.90 I~% 2",,, .., -:>.<"'1'1 ~,I, V 72 'JA ~ ~5'6U ::2 '7CJ 0 23- /,'1cJ /,9/J - Soot:' /roO ~(dL 1'1 /tJO ~ / () 0 oCi -:<:~o I () 3~ Q 7~ /,,)0,:: , ..5-<;/'" 0 /57"00 7S I, 9c 1'1 1::< - c'' "-<j c,r 19';}':i.b <-:. cJ___,-" , . Xo .5F.h I,.be. / ,/. {, ? . - 797::;- ;; I //,.< . " - C; I - .......... , , \ ~ r. \ " -, -, LOT BlK. ern. ; , .' SEC. TWN. RGE. ".- '-= . .. <:;~c;,_.., ",'.><, c.'"...-_..-...~... _"_~_.-.._,,__,,., '__,-,>', ~ r.''''.''',--,'O'i'- __.,~ - -... -.' "".'-' ",,,.'-'~,""" I S 50' of N 150' of Govt Lot 2 8-21-IW.W.M.; TOGETHER WITH that ptn of vacated State Oyster Reserve P I at NO. 98 and tide I ands of the 2nd c I i fa, adj to or abutt thereupon. ., ~ ',...':.,"'. ....... 'Jl>-"'.......:-~_.. ,-~~~-- __.4\"I.'M\'\l!*':.,: