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Yaar Fila No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS J a SALE PRICE Rd. Soh, pp'tIPUO!FPD . ~~ t":.ldJ_ne uor'ke ------ 52 114961 Roscoe D. Crrke 10+ "Y ! /1,;"'"" (~<'-{i 1 2Ji.. G ~L i. _ ' .57/ //.y"l7/ J/."'/J_ '" r;~<,-'k~ /.) /.JJ.- ~ . - - - - - - i>5'" 7; L., I ,;;(e 9/?3 - - - - - - ~ .!ftL I :,}9') /qAl 1;;/;t.1, J/ -/" d- " , i>' ,/-0(, Er'j' r",/C ~ ~~ - - ~ 3 W7 b>t tv ~f1; "'M(! f ;(J/J~::I.,j2a;L --Zt2CO - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -1-1- -- _I_i- - - - - - - - - - - I - - - ,~~_.\C., '- _~~;..;,__~ ~_~:"_~_~__~__~__-:_~_____,:""__~~_~~ .. .._~. '==-=0,. ,___ NUMBER OF ACRES I VAlUAnONS Y.., Oyltar Timber Unimproved Improvad TOTAL Oyster Tlmbar I U,rmpro"d Improved Improvements B. of E. (Bufldir:gs) VALUE ....u 3.00 8.00 25C 250 -5.l 5.34 5. 34 '6 - 165 ... ) 60 ~$I/- a:3tj /8':J " /536 t. ,;- ,;) .j 7:/ i. -- " 60 ;53C. IS-gO i:ili -~ b5 /Cj/o /97~ !:J> h.f( 3J22SI- 3cf70 Zi2 ~$ / -'/ () 7,!,66 -7;77' /? $2 9,100 '7Sbo Z1. ; 3 '76(') /$960 2!1- / OCJ 'f7a ;;2/7 d?OiJ ;;<'l,foa , 3/6.;;.0 /b 31i,~ ) .lL _ -=? I), / .~ r -, ,-:;. .1_';0 d'..,_-....' .:J.B... I .0, ~~/ rs,3iJ '-If):; :::;1) 2,:;:')(,pU 7.:141c ~Z .5.::(; d., ~3 tI,t"S lz::75o 82d,o,5'8'1/t:) LOT 7 , BLK. L- 'EG. TWN. RGE. '~I:J.I jOi~I.;2l/,910!-O~:4_ .~"',' ":i"''''''';- .',.\l'.. - . " ~--- ,. , .-,. ...----...." - .._,"" ",,~:.. 8 acres of Lot 1 except S 100'. Note: Jormerly known as S. g acres of lot 1 Ex. S. 100' (Tract B of Short Plat #1247) The S 8 acres of Govt Lt 1 8-21-1W.W.H., EXCEPTING the S 100' thereof, excepting the :~ 60' lying Ely of the W 663.4', excepting right-of-way for Okonek Cb. Rd #6417 and excepting road rights-of-way. '.~ - - ~--------- -- ,.... <. -- -- ,....,.,....,;-~ EXCEPT: Tr 12 of CDvt Lot 1 & Tax 1404-A I I I I I I I 1 I . ". - NUMBER OF ACRES I I VALUATIONS ra.tr Oyst.r Timber I UnImproved Improvad TOTAL I Oyster limb., Unimproved lmprtlvad lmpro'l'lmenh B. of E. - tilllld\nQ\) ""LU'ii 33 ..;, (..),' 4, &J? '3(,:'000 #":'':;''''"'(1 .fl/ J otJ f-- / . /./ ----- -. - - - -,-- --- -, I ----, --- -- - 1__- - - ,-, ---,- - \ - -- ---- 1------ I~- - --- - ., ~._-- I