HomeMy WebLinkAbout121082100070 - Ye.r File No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS 80 SALE hRleE Rd, "'h. Port !PUOlFPD Aff,f1711 :L.e:;11e C. - - 53 92231 Charles Sor:lers F reeman et a1 1 ...5.1... iLl 3._ T .,.\2100 -'=- k u/"~ ,/J. R .fI- ~ ;;/"a ' f ) f.1=<- 1:7 / I//~.v p_ i - " /9/5- . '{<:' ~<M - - - 1/J ~"'-416-" 1/),< AA J'Y.,L ~ ~~) If:,y; (:~() '- ) .. - - - - - - , / - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -1- --I --- - -1- - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - -- - - - - -I __~_.',~__~__:-~ _.0 :'~~'~Q__~______~__~_~______~_~,:-______ _~:; .' ~-:-;:ta__ NUMBER OF ACRES I VALUATIONS Yur Oystar Timber UnImproved Improved TOTAL Oyster Timber I U,lmp",'''' Improved Improvemenh B. of E. (Buildings) VALUE -5.J. 1.1 1.14 20 20 .22 .$9 L C. 1.14 1.14 10 50 190 250 . -'<0 ~ ~o /9(} /0 OcJ M /.f</ /1</ glo :< c"t;"' 1()7~ M J7/0 5.:2CJ /.330 M ~% /O/cJ (o~ CJ /GbO if / Roo .; :: CJ .:<</dO M /tS'00 5"70 .;2(,?O 2fL 1Jt,,% 3t.0i) /7'10 5340 ~ ~5cJD /7</0 b:(L/(} il / /)tJ % 9,;'7.<" :2;;J.?.d' II/~.s 2L /7 '/60 L/CL/D ~.:J.9{) Jfp I /7705 /6:fJ?o 3;/c)rJ K j.lt/. /./'-1 ;<:1 ::>'50 I ~ /350 5"3{.,tJO I , Y3 30SCD 39;;((;0, 0f/7C{I LOT BLK. . ~ , SEC. TWN. RGE. j~t>.~l~" flD.n.,.1)1 , " ." ........ .",_. _ '._u-c..'.-- , '- .. . .. ,..;.' - ,- ., r ,... Com at the ~ sec corner common to secs 5 ~-'e;,th run Vi along the line between secs 5 & 8, 672'; th S 0040' c, 954.05' to the point of beg of the tract o~ land herety desc; th continue S 0"40' E 84.65', core or le~s, to t U',e S line of the E 10 ac,'es of Lot 1; tL E along tr.e S line of t' e N 10 acres of Lot 1 ond s~id line extended E 589.50', more or less, to h.t.; th N 190 E alon~ f;.L., 89.52', more or less to a point thereon due E from point of beg; th ~ 618.65', more cr less, t~ I.P. Tax ')81)) All T.L. of tre 2nu closs in front of the K 10 acres of S :S acres of Lot 1. c~btaining 5.5S L.C. more or less. Note: formerly known as Tr. 28 of lot 1 " tax 980 Ex. prt Assessed wi th Trs. '~'.""::,a ,-'.....,...~ ---- --,------ - ,~._- . . ....- .. . *Ex. Tax 9S0A & B