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... NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS Po SALE PRice; YaIlr FIl. No. Port lPUO-'~_1 I Rd, "h. 52 11504< Clarence Peters et ux :\~~ 1 .21r.... --.fr -.l ~- ~ ~?tJ -:<3 f.'?cJ / JJJ t. ~ it/; Jfiy) k1,,-?A,I903 - - - - """>00 !lu- ~{{!!i- 'YJA,n d'tr' .q 0-"'-";'67' .P - ---' O.j"'~^ '17~ '7n.d,d~ pi ~~/ 2/:zcJ- 356 '7;<0 - - - - - /) (FrY' !) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - I ----~--------~--= - . . --'S'e- -~""'~-----=---==.~-"'=~==-==~.------=-=~-==-- NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS . Vat, OYlttr TImber UnImproved Improved TOTAL Oydor Timber I U,lmp'md Improved Improvements B. of E. (Buildings) VALUE .2.. 4.50 4.50 100 150 50 54 4.50 4.50 50 120 170 I. ...51- 3.50 1.00 4.50 50 50 120 220 4 -i~o ?I :;;-0 /00 /,;1-0 ..2c7o M t/. ~o ~bO /00 tl-9o 5"90 t.')... /at1 5YS- ~tj5' " .;z~% /S2<' b S!o ?CJ5 ~ "/S-{) t/,f::- 0 ;<00 ~ GcfcJ g;~() M S 6"0 ..L..P {) ~b() 3~tJ ~oo /r',RO /-230 !d.. .36iL ':<'00 g6b" /~/S- 2'12 '0% ...2P 0 "Yt!o /?~?{) .2!?3o il L/, 1)0 ~ AtlO /,(,'75 L// '7 L 2!/- /tJo% (,CJcJO S 3:S2J 'l~o "1b I tv.! :.;./ /i__ :';,? 70 sso /.61) Ii -0 'l.3 Or) 7 ~ 90 ; 110590 LOT BLK. , -- i)j:t./ :O~I$'p'J /)\(')(J ;l;..~. - ~ - , ...,. TWN. RGE. I. I -.--- ,... -." . ,0 -#. ~.. ., '''''' .., ' .. _.:.. -._.'",,-~ "<.. .. . ... . '.., ;.... ~-"1- --1<--". Beg at a point 672' W of ! see corner between Sees 5 & 8 on Wly R/W of Co. Rd.; th S along R/W of said Co. Rd. 300'; th W 660', more or less; th N 300' to ~ see line between Sees 5 & 8; th E to point of beginning. Note: Formerly known as Tr. 1 of lotl ~~'l J:,. fW I I I I I I I / I . NUMBER OF ACRES 1 I VALUATIONS . 6-.?~ Year Oyster TImber I Unimproved Improved TOTAL 1- Oyster limber Unimproved Improvad Improvemenh B. of E. (BuildinQ5) VALUE: $.3 3,:'::0 1,00 lj. 50 177'10 /1 tjf)/) d9t:4() f-----f--- ----- - -- --- i I I-~ ~- ---- ---,-----, -- ----I-----f----- - L.