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. Yu, FII. No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS 150 SALE PRICE)' Rd. Sch. Port I PUOTFPD ------ ~ Charles Somers et ux et1 1 JULBa~a 1 54 G 1.... .3_ L $4240 - ~49'/h4 ;1,/ 4, -) VA / , ) ./l.J://Le.,....,,, _.f '''..-,.. c. >>'/tJ7o/ J~')1'l ""7 v.; . 9l 7,., ,\ :;tr /9'SSY ~~ ./ ,(/'i/50<1 IgJ.j,j'/24 &001 d-1410v -ct~~tdt IJ - - - - lv, - - - - - - ? #"57,,'/0 5171' b)5-'/J5 .17Vt:J .0 lVflLti-0.J- t:.,;'---CV J ~, - - - - 1"00 - - . - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - -- -- - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - .-= ,. "~ -...- a...__. H ...:.;....~.~=-.:.;,.;""._-==-..=== , ---......... . .' ."., . NUMBER OF ACRES r v ALUA TlONS Y.ar Oyatar Timber Unlmprovtd Improved TOTAL Oyltu Timber I ".Imp",,,. Improved llmpro....m.nt. 8,ofE. (Buildings) VALUE J.22,. 157' ./'r!, ,6/" ,5'e:. .,2('J &-() f{O Jw. .L5:L..M... .~(", .bfe. ~o ;;0 /'r'CJ .:J..;(<1 -6L 1/,t;""J k S-I." ,n, ~ 900 /"10 /o'-/-o -"- 'l~/) ~.~ 940 .f4 .;(~~ //.:15 I.- //;).; ~ .:2/ltJ ~ ~'AAA 17~ ..<;6 i: "'YO"'IJ s.; ,tMoCi , '7:21 50M SOan ~ /fJOIfJ/J /111"'1 II 1'i ItY(j% ;Z thO fJ il. ;2QMJ,i) #- d:tOOOD :"__'~ ~~..,~ cJ - .2K. .sc;, ,51,. ;;'45'.:' ;,/.:~-'j J3 3.35"0, ) '-1& 1M J'~d:?M - , , i LOT BLK. ---=-- . I - ~ ., sa:, TWN. AGE. 11;2ll?i61~!~' ! ; ..' - ._-_.._-~ , , ',;;~... .-JooY ~,. ;- -c .... .~..._-; . , '.~;';'~ 0 ,~ , _. . "'~i'",:.- ...,..,-,., 'oadWaytiasement: t portion 01' following which lies Wly "0' 'Wly Commencing at the NW corner of Lot 8; thence S 32045' W 530.24' to initial point of tract; thence S 32045' W 6.40'; thence S 21045' W 93.60'; thence E 258.89'; thence N 16039' E 96.37'; thence W 248.37', more or less to initial point. Also tidelands in front of tract. , . e;:"\'v," - -........ . .... CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS i'u SALE PRICE Y.., FII. No. NAME 0' OWNER Rd. Sch, Port PUD FPD '12 1 '5'5 '54E Stretch Isla~nerY Inc . ~ 54- .J1 ..3- -3- .L.... /;.3 ~~..;o ;</ ~ ~ ) ~... :. /cLJ, . .3~'~ "8 , v o...:r /!i-r6 3'1 I .,31.7-; 4J~t g~~ ~t;. - - .57 (~,1.M~.o ~~/.L/~ .//.dl ~ /pj.,Y ~/fN - - - - - - ~ ,()(J. - I-?S~ ,1H4:jf... e.-f~A<"/ o. J~,f~ ~P)? - - - - - - ..". ,,,,6 rJ? M '7/6 " (OJ),^,OuJ 71),j)~ ,) - - - - - - 5114' :'qj.?/ fJA~ ,J} ;(JtJ" ilk ,U "il-,,) ii.3'Y-'/-C,l - - - - . . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ~--~~~!.~--~-~-~~------~-~:~:-------~-7-:~---,--~--~---.------~~--~ ":'.;.,.[.-~ NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS Year Oyster Timber Unimproved Improved TOTAL Oyster Timber Unimproved Improved Improvements B. of E. (Buildings) VALUE 5..\ 7,7? '1,77 '50 ~SQ 5':, - 177 1,'71 ~ :J.fio ,,;<SO ~ ;;..~ :I/O $/0 ~ /~~ //or ~ -.<<;;;g .::r98(j .;:(~.3o /, ~- - .4J?..,'-: 7!i ~ /00% 9'l'l tY <j7'7o, .. yf/a Ii ,4'/ ,It f/''l''o 75 1"2/ II ~ -/ /.1,. ,i/ h;./ ~/j~ ~/? .. , .. . I LO~ BLK. .co::rr\ J L~:j ~ _L .. , SEC. TWN. ROE. - _"..J .A , - , .- .. Commencing at the M. C between Secs. 5 & 8-21-1 which is also the N.W corner of Lot 8. Sec. 8-21-1 WWM thence E. 80'; thence S. 26'0 w. 215.50' Thence E 101.58' to loP thence continue E. 256,,16'; thence S. 0015' w. 208.80'; thence N; 89055' E. 208.50' to a point on the E. side of road, thence S. 0016' W along the E. side of road 514.75'; thence S. 89042' W 849.)8' to a point on the E. side of the Co Road, thence N. )045' W. along the E. side of Co. Road. 74.82'; thence E. 90.17'; thence N. 28004' E. 78.67'; thence N. 43037' E. 87.20'; t~nce N. 16039' E. 31).86'; thence N. 27047' E248.80 to 1. P. tf~ (J/~gt;; /Z /~ Ie;:, 2-6 Note: Formerly known as , Tr. 27 of 10t8 <,.~. . '- - J;,Rjw --~~y- -,""~- .-:::~> .f.! ct-( [;~~,' /'t. ' I I. . 1- :;. U,_L/J ". /- '1/,', ( /' I ' /'.' . "Z~;/, /.....[, 1'( -(!(. 'I. ,.' ': " 1-- '" - 'tk ""/{ / I. ;1 fl.;' ,. ~ ,c:t/. -t.j '/i ,., . (i, i "'-.-"'- " . Ii - ,e{ 'I /' \/ ,..( " ;~ Je I.,' (I.., ./t<e-. L'i,