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- .' -ij( ~ / .-"-',., c"', '~'... _' _ .) /--....: Y." FIl. No, ,1I -^J __ NAME, o~ O"".~~R . , I'; . PI;. III, ,;({[,t.,W,I';?' ,ur~ ,4 l S2 Henry Edward Peterson s'l lS2n2.r, o/~~!:'~ fa S ~ 1,-f!J{, (J '/.. / r/3/.Jl / /.~ iJ-?JfJfl-=?i'9A .?1.o) I/} ,,,.I ./ ,/ y~,-~ V ") fu ",A "I -? '11J. --Li 1- II %10 <ISIt'SZ'~/ W, -.2h-?1.a.-W ....::l 'a...12. CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS Rd. Soh. Port PUD FPD .?r5 SALE PRICE! 11Yl!'''.. 'vi. Leevers 1 ~...Q.l-3.JL I "/ '1 .t; <::) J4,.sc.J r) ~3i?7 "1'"> 0/'7.0,.1 ---1--- ------ iiS'1467 ./2C . . ___.~ii1I ~;:.n.:' . A '_~__:-_~____...;.,.;..;;..__;;~-:~----:..:---..:----..::...-----::.-..:~--'~~.- NUMBER OF ACRES V ALUA nONS Year Oyster Timber Unlmprovod Improved TOTAL Oystor Timber Unimproved Improved Improvemenb 8,0' E. (Buildings) VALUE 5), f Lj. Yn to tJ / ~ Ptl .Ji'-f 'I ij ~10 7/0 II yo JiZ -<',"'I ;{,",<j ..? tI 0 7/0 Yb-O ''7/ Z~1t '/tf'/' ,;;, tJ4- 7d 2.J-/,1 ?/(? /d.:;C) , k ),f4/ .:ss _;> Ii' ~() ;70 7/0 S'/d ("C 3/0 f. ,~-t; ,s-:;- 3D /9:C!, '1s- 7CJ 0 /0 ~ t,; 3xo 'f. ?' ,5]; , 5"'5'" -G .;< > ,- ,;(bcr--r, lfal .3fJ :/" ,='5' .:, 2) r".ut ~/19 /935' J93S I~ . . 25% ,;< 41~{) ;;?,tj,;z () I.L.? -'51/ ';<6 ~ " l~ 9' ':;,b7 X. t! ,.~ , :;3S ~:15 .;2(.;l s;- - I~" n?.3 ,J3 ~~ ~ 5.:1.50 ' <"-2,6;; 1'11-< / ~ ~ .;"6 ~50 '7PO 6~3Cl 1'.2 , Jt50tJ '7RtJ 7;l.d'~ , 'l'2 J "1J50 - I <J7So Lo.T BLK. I ), Z' / ...., I" ' _^" ~ _ .. -:1 .;,;;.'::.:. ( Tax 940, Ap~: No. 9106 All tl of 2nd c in frontpf lt 8, Sec. 8-21-1, with frontage of 12.21 lc, mil Ex. N. 2.73 acres & S. 10 acres, thereof, Subj to a R/W for county Rd. & brdg over Tl "J .....""''''''.- . ' f~ r ~>"-,~.~ ,.L........~ . : ...:-~;.,;..-~'~. -------~--=.~";~ ....._, * Ex. Tr.1-9-/Q-I/,I''t,J,lf TL 9 Il. 2.7J '~~8lI I.. 27 * Ex. Tax 940 A & B-Q...-f)-,f ti.t;S/'?8z-- LJ<', ~-C(~.s~s ~.JCLZ~ .t/ ~ ~) t) /1 r ,J ~--n.~'/, "J{./~ "j" . r7J.' . , , T /. ,/..J ~Ar /,.. ',,~_ l'J Y ..... .i,; i) . Y'k " " " ' .....,/;,' . , ." / ( Z.fi / ~ ... :~..J ) .. ~',;;) " ;; 'f .' . " V..r Oyster 1'74 7c; 7R X" . -. ~U~BER OF ACRES Timb.r Unimproved Improved ,~'fj , ~=i TOTAL ~ ~~ Oyster 1/,.",10 nmber Unimproved VALUATIONS Improved ..:-:;,.... LjOG C ?'"')('C ..'-- . Improvements (1Ilildinql) .' e. 0' E. VALUE Coo ~- r ........ ,-,] J,""" o/-'~ ....... L. C::-6'J Y.ar FII. No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS ,ff) SALE PRies Rd. Soh. Port PUD FPO <;2 H. P. Hillman I 5Ll...._JL3_3-.L.... 52 44576 .Paul J. Il1cBride et ux __ ,'57///. -AI:'] f. ~./P!-;'<;rY1;.jd , ----- 317.5 3cJ/{){"1 t. ttf/tl4",Cy f: ~ .Jil.S':.:1/-/ "t- 1<1. ;:Z:r~~ Q..J ?~"?/I"). 7/.;,1270'$ ---- I- . r----~7~~~--;-~-~--------~~--~-~~~~:~---~-----~--~---~-----~-----::-~~~--~-~-----~----. NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS Year Oylllr Timber Unimproved Improved TOTAL Oyster / / /.11 I.rJ, I, OD 1#0 ItrO 1.0'0 TImber Unimproved Improved ImprOVllmllnb (Buildings) 8. of E. VALUE ,72 ,'ill 57 (,,1 ~ .J2.. -7..9 '73 ~'1 '16 ~~ do :;l J () ). b t'J ,fo 290 3,;;LD 50 ,;{YO ~() 50 t./-30 ift'o /.,eJ 5~o ~oo k d.tJ ~ 'fHJ ./;( dfW s:z. '7.P .s-s-o -/~ /' .,;;('(}O :::::J76 .s3'2r /"",;)... - 6t,% / "0% "'::>~ _-e r ,I 0/-- /~v . ~ <.....- 9" ". /r ,:- ."'S. . .., - ......... - '2, "/ -:;::.-. l,~ ~ ..~,;--//,/,L X. !:.\h,:> LOT SEC. BLK. TWN, RGE. mil . , . . ~ I, ~ ~ I , - . -- '. : !-n" ..', '~-.., -:....._, -, ';;'~T_. Beginning at a point 8.29 chains East of and 2.93 chains south of the Gov't' meander corner common to lot 5, Section 5 and lot $ section $, all in Township 21 north, Range 1 West. Thence South 3.16 chains, thence West 3.16 chains, thence North 3J6 chains thence East to the point of beginning. Note: Formerly known as Tr. 9 of lote .7<> .:..... _._ ..-~_.. H' lIuJ .~-----~. .,