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V.ar Fila No. NAME 0' OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS Y-5 SALE PRICEr Rd. Soh, Port PUO FPO - - - - <;2 State Carroll & Daisy M. Bush 1 5LL G l 3- ..k 1~~ .c.1.1/QU d~~~::: 7~ 7 - - - - - 1,\/ :n - - bg bf37'1-W J '~ ~O I'11J./J_/l:6fL? I.. J I- - 2J.OrY1 1'\ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ----4IIt------------------------------------~----------~----------------------~~-~~-~~~~---- NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS Year Oyster Timber Unimproved Improved TOTAL Oyster Timber UnImproved Improv~ Improvemants B.ofE. (BuIldings) VALUE .D- ,/, tj'( /,) /0 - 11.. I..., IS- /C I-L""' j" Ctl I',IJ) .5d1! 30 3d 7e! /<1/\ .Iz ~O ,{,() 7j.., t.o (,0 75i 0() 60 ,f3 (.,0 60 - LOT BlK. , , SEC. TWN. RGE. , IJ1:ll/I(j~J' ll7rlfr7'19lIJI . .." c. c~ l ~~~- _.. .. c' , ..' ,,"..-;. .. .~ ~-- ""T-- ..., , ~ ,~pp ~:o. 111:-4 All tl of 2nd e in front of the W 40.52 ft of E 163.34 ft of It 9, see 8-21. I, W.M. With front of 0.66 lc, mil -.--- , " ____~__ _~____~__ _>~.!.~F~~ . Year File No. M- J~t?o Theodore 7,~/J ~.M~ of PW!l~ Christensen f k VJ1,. ._ -IF ) a iT CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS Rd. aCh. Port PUO!FPD gO SALE PRICE 1 -54-" .,., lL-.JL Ir- >--_ /1.-'3::-''''' 8~.z.- ------ -- ----- --~~ -- ~~~"7:':,:'~':_-- ~ ~_...."-:-::_--'~~:-.:'--~:,~-::::-.-=-:- . _.::".~' .--~~-- T.., Oylter 68 1.51 1 1-ti- 2'/- .' . ..1X 52 LOT IEO. BLK. TWN. NUMBER OF ACRES Tlmb.r U"lmpmvlld Impro'O'lId TOTAL ",,- I . I /. '</E" /_~,... \ pi r/r' / ~.:"....;I /'/., 1;1, '.' ~ ,/.. . ._ r~, , .-" RGE. 1 r- o,lter '<=;~;8 /0"'10 4 ..._~ - . -.....- ......,,,,,..,,.to>, - Timber VALUATIONS Unlmpro'O'ed Improved Improvemenll B.ofE. (Building.) VALUE 10 10 ..://J ~tJ ;CO SL"o I. ~/j " LlO Lie .-c=-- ~ - - ~C'TTI-I.: . -; . . ! . n .~. -4-.,_... .,.~ " ." pI"'"" - -,.,. ~ . Liueal cllaiJ15 it.: frohtof TLa.Gt 4 Govt---b:> L 2 -~-- - .- ~ ----- ~--~ -- ~ Yur FII. No. N~~E .of_ OWN.ER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS RO SALE PRICE: , PU'OIFPD Rd, Soh, Po" - - ---#}- Theodore Christensen pJ....." 1 SIL G '1 , L H ~ rf'd?i~ JILn IV, /1"u", 1" ZA /" A, n- 7(~h'i ru.O( ~ RE,J / - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . - - - - -1= -- -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - =-,'..." '.'" , , ..,... . ... '~,.......~.-:. ____ _':':"._~_=O_~ __ ~ _~ __ _ -:.~ _ __ ~ _ _~,_ _______;_,_._______==_______ ~==___::_.._:>> - .....,...'. ....,.,~.. .- NUMBER OF ACRES ~ VALUATIONS v.., Orltar Tlmbar Unimproved Improved TOTAL Oyster Timber Unlmprond Improved Impro....m.nb B,o'E. (Bulldlngl) VALUE ..M... 1. 51 Tr ~ //5 10 .La.. ->. '% 2./) c:(cJ 21- / f" ~ 7'{) <;/Q 7., ':;/C) </0 K Ifo t/D :?3 Ljo dr) / . . ' ~. , .- { , ... I ..~.- . ~ .. I , I LOT BLK. ...., TWN, RGE. . .__.- ... ,.,,,., n . , ",._'----,--~- I ~ _. ,-- ee.:." ".' . .' -.' ...~.~. '.' ~ Lineal ~hains in front of Tract 3 of Govt Lot 2 ---~~ ~i.J..; ,<J.,.t 1 'f" i" "" '" ~-.- ,y Y.., File No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS &ALE PRICE! A ~ Rd. 10', Port PUO 'PO - ~ 11.77'39 Theo. Chri3t<:..,sen /7 d;, ;9/..4- . 1 54 G 3 3 .J:. ' I ~ f-- - l- I- - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - I- ~~,. " , , . .""",,.-~ --- '" ,~------ --_._----------~----- ~ '.'Ioi l>...4i '<.., .-.. .... LI . __ .., NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS You Old.r Tlmbar Unimproved Improved TOTAL Oyfto, Timber Unlmprov!td l,.proY*! Impronmenb B. 0' E. (Building.) VALUE ~-" /. ,q f b 6c; (.,0 <J 0/ (.) - ----, LOT BLK. - I lEe. TWN, RBE. rt-.... .. ..~ , . ......~",.. ! i " n ,- , , . ". . ~. ! , . , \ -~"'......._. '^-~ :_~ " . .. .. - - II'" App ~'o 12227 That port of vac ft ,orN 623.2 ft less .~ St Oy R, Plat No 98 & t1 of 2nd e, in front of the S 275 of It 2, see 8-21-1 W.M. with frontage of 6.29 Ie, morel >",~-~~..~.-~----- -.--- -- - ~.."., "---.,.._".,...,... ,.-' Ijli."." Ye.r File No. NAME;10WN:rR . CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS SALE PRICE :+-, r~n- ~ ~ Rd, 6ch. Port PUO FPO i7?69 . n' /1......, / ~ a.' ;l1P,; n - - 54 Lc;:,l.Lc.: C ! 2::L J1 ::1 :3 i .~lL t::: 1-=- - I-- I-- I-- - - I--- - - - - e- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . .. --.. - " . . "'~ ---- -----------~----------~---~- --- - -- --- . -...: ~ .-.....- ", '; '~'. . .,. ,.. . ~" . NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS Y..r Oy,wr Timber Unimproved Impro",d TOTAL Oy.ter Timber UnImproved Improved ImprovementJ B.o' E. (Buildings) VALUE M.. II.",,!.( . //0 I/O ~ ~ ~, ---- ~ LOT BlK. - ---- lEe, TWN. AGE. o-rTTTLLLLJTl ( " ..... ~_.., .... -., " T.1. of 2nd class, including v3c3ted State Cyster Reserve Plat No. 98, a~utting upon that portion of 10t 1, included in a tract described bv metes Jnri hounds ~s follo~s; Bec:innin'" 11:. ~re L ~ section corner of Sec. 8, ,In,; runnincr thence E 1}a.6', more or 'eEs, alon~ ~he ~ line of Sec. 8 to th3 ~ melnder corner on ~ line, t ence S 5000' E 613.14', thence S 460}0' W 129.2', thence W 762.1', thence N 0040' W 700.1', more or less, t th . l' f c' " '1''' t' /72 ''Ill o ..8 1. _lne 0 '-..o"ec. 0, :1no >.JJ,ence ..:!. 0, .~' , ~ore 2r _ess, :) on~ N Ii"'? to the "oint of be"'innino;, 1tlith a front37~1.25 lineal ch3ins, more or le::s. ' , -. 0' ..\.-~,~ _r .... --'L-- v.... Fit..... 52 ---'2.2.. 144 S 76 .....5L 17126 7 . You OrotM U 53 5~ .5..Z. ,-37.</3,... ~, .2.3... lie; -UL M ?~ ~ 70 '7'd 1:< 'i'q 11'4' , LOT lie. BLI(. TWN, NAME of OWNDt H. P. Hillman Paul J. McEride et ux Robert F. Ellison et ux VALUATIONS .,m............~!;:, ~- Timber UnlmpJU'ftd Imp~ (Buildings) VALUE 1050 (P7S" '3':)'i'o '1975_ ,ys-o .375' 700 19.;?f:i_ fbrJ 375' /o~o d::lt/5 %5""t? .~7" 1115" .:17/0 joo .375 1//5 :13,/0 2"0 J?7.., t,3Ro 7t:.o5: ~~O 37~ t.9dS" 21st.!, .;l;?t,o a7S- /at/S'o .:(~:2<: L//r 9'7?,;j /~/1 ,;Z<y/J [) /.2.".50 7770 ::l'j ?;;)/J ~t1 ~51oo /95"'10 "~. _~I S- 433,""'167'00 D /7'5''/"a l(3) cr D ::? IS- 43 -,:') :}'> _';--")5' /9-s-'40 ,~ 1'lt? d:(5C;(J Lf9.-f5'o ~/6..:2cJ 73$(,0 /o-o! ::;-'06 () '/'110 C Lf';2cJ0. rY61tf-l :-- .,--- .- , I }o'"h o.oJ . . i ".-rtT1:L.lJ__ iTTJ 1 '-.::"""""'5: GOV~ I,O_'!L NUMBER OF ACRES Tllllber Unlmprovtd r.p,...... -:;1.00 9.dO 17. 00 .5,00 /7. pC) S;oO /7.00 S.oa /7. 00 s,oo /7. O() ~O 0 17.00 !),oO /'7.00 5',00 TOTAL 30,00 ';;;;(,00 ';;;;),00 ;(:1,00 .;? :J. 00 ,:);;;.00 d d. 00 .:1';;}.00 /:<, tJ 0 //J. a CJ .22,/11') 1 .tf ' /:J./I 0& ~j t70 /1'). fJCJ R8L CO,""ACT 10 Q/W , - 370 ~% -:::;~ ~ ^ DIS'TRICTa 80 Rd. ..... Port PUD FPD SALE MICE 1 ~ G 3 3 L F - ---- .. . '-' t:.-_.~~:_-- '~:;~";;'_~ ~ ~~4 -.,..:.~ ~ _. ., ~...".-~--- *Ex. Tract 1